Private Lifes 4 (Tananoya)

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If this sucks I'm dearly sorry...

My gf broke up with me. And I've been having a really hard time focusing on writing cute chapters...

-Tanaka and Noya Private Chat-

Tanaka- wanna know something

Noya- yes?
What up

Tanaka- guess what I just got

Noya- what?

Tanaka- a gingerbread house

Noya- a- what 😂

Tanaka- like those ones you build
Like you wanted in December but they ran out

Noya- WAIT
You got me one?!?!
Where did you even find that?!
It's not even winter

Tanaka- the guy I work with gave it too me
His wife makes professional ones for rich people
Typa shit Oikawa would buy ya know

Noya- OMFG.
I've always wanted to make one!!!!!

Tanaka- I know loll

Noya- will you build it with me!

Tanaka- are you gonna call me a nerd

Noya- probably

Tanaka- okay then no

Noya- :( you're no fun

Tanaka- 🧎🏌️

Noya- no 👄👁👄
I meant

Tanaka- what the fuck Noya 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I can't with you

Noya- :)
I'm special

Tanaka- yeah
You really are

Noya- build it with me please! ❤️

Tanaka- of course baby

Noya- YES!
Hurry up and get home

Tanaka- bro I gotta work-
But I'll be home tn

Noya- :( I'm so lonely

Tanaka- should we get a dog?

Noya- eh

Tanaka- a baby?

Noya- um- idk naka

Tanaka- I'm just asking :)

Noya- Ik Ik but do you want one?

Tanaka- lets talk bout this in person okay

Noya- okay! I'll wait for you to get home then ❤️

(^can we just talk about home pleasing that is. Like the slant I- )

-Noya POV-

I sat on the counter, my legs crossed and fingers tapping with anticipation. Tanaka laid another grocery bag in front of me. I giggled lightly when I saw the box. I glanced at him for approval, excitingly  grabbing the box when he nodded.

He grabbed my cheek and kissed my forehead. "You're so cute."

I nodded and hugged the box. "I love it! I wanna build it right now!"

Tanaka patted my head with a smile. I bit my lip and watched as he started to put away the groceries. "In a minute Yuu." He said pulling out a cereal box and standing on his tip toes to put it on the top shelf in the cabinet. I swear to god, he puts it up there on purpose so I don't eat his favorite kind.

I placed the box to my side and handed him more cereal. "You know you could get down and help." He suggested, turning around and taking the cereal from me.

"Naw." I shook my head. "I'll do all the work later though." I winked. He hummed in response leaving the conversation at that.

Once he was finished putting everything away, he turned to me, who was still sitting on the counter patiently. "Can I take a shower first?" He asked leaning forward to kiss me.

I kissed back pouting. "Can we take one together later? Like afterward?"

Tanaka groaned and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Noya.."

I pouted. "Pweaseeee?" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He poked my forehead.

"You're lucky I love you."

I giggled grabbing the box and scooting back on the counter to place it in between us. I left it to Tanaka to open it and set out all the pieces. I eyed the sugary gumdrops. I love those damn things. Tanaka flicked my forehead and told me I couldn't eat anything until it was done and we took a picture of it.

We started working on it right away. The hardest part was setting it up and getting all the sides to stick together. I was bout to say fuck it and super glue that bitch. But eventually, we got it. Once the frosting was dry enough to the point were the house wasn't falling over every minute, we started decorating.

"So, about what I said earlier." Tanaka said leaning over the counter. He had been playing small red and blue bead candies, on the roof of the house. "About a baby."

I stopped what I was doing and stared at him. I'm don't hate the thought of us having our own baby. But, I would like to get married first to be honest. And I also want a steady job, even though I'll probably stay at home with the baby anyways. I do like the thought of being a stay at home mommy.

"Yeah?" I bit my tongue and continued wrapping the bottom of the house with twizzlers to look like brick.

Tanaka sighed. "I don't think we should have one yet. I mean I know I said it. But.... I just don't think I'm ready."

I looked up at him. "It's okay."

"Well, I just... do you want one?"

I shook my head. "Not yet." I said honestly. "Although, a dog would be fun. Or a puppy!"

Tanaka laughed and kissed my head. "Okay."

Ahhh. This chapter is shorter than most of the other ones and I'm really sorry... 🥺

I still hope you guys liked it❤️😔

Also- You guys should check out my other books!

I have another haikyuu chatfic on my account

It's got a lot more characters that are going to be in it

And a book called haikyuu interviews which are just really cute and short things! You can recommend questions to ask the couples! (Please give me questions to ask the couples, I'm kinda lost)

^im working on a tsukiyama chapter rn out of request!

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