Private Lifes 1 (KyoTeru)

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Fuck fuck fuck

I have so much anxiety doing this chapter omg omg omg omg

Okay okay whatever.

If I fuck this up   daddy-channn      I'm sorry! I HOPE YOU STILL LOVE ME

-Terushima and Kyotani Private chat-

Terushima- babe

Kyotani- Hmm?

Terushima- we got a babysitter tonight right? For you're sister?

Kyotani- yeah why?

Terushima- cause

Kyotani- ohhh Kay??

Terushima- I love you

Kyotani- I love you too
Are you okay?

Terushima- yeah
Just excited

Kyotani- lol why?

Terushima- we get to be alone tonight ;)

Kyotani- omg
You're such... like
Shut up

Terushima- made you blush didn't I

Kyotani- did not shut up

Terushima- come on just admit it

Kyotani- no. I don't blush

Terushima- pfft just wait till later when you're riding me

Kyotani- I am not riding you

Terushima- but kyo~ :(

Kyotani- no

Terushima- :( don't you love me

Kyotani- of course I love you
But I don't wanna

Terushima- why?

Kyotani- cause I'm lazy
And I suck at it anyway

Terushima- how many times do I have to tell you you're fucking fantastic at it

Kyotani- shut up...

Terushima- babe

Kyotani- nuuu

Terushima- okay fine

Kyotani- fine?
Omg you fucking left me on open
You bitch
Why are you leaving me on open?!
Okay wowwww
Real classy
Thought you never leave anyone on open
I'll ride you

Terushima- I'll pick up dinner tonight okay?

Kyotani- I really really hate you

Terushima- just take a shower before I get home so we don't waste time okay

Kyotani- you're so mean to me

Terushima- you like it don't deny it
You're daddy's little slut

Kyotani- I'm blocking you

Terushima- I WAS KIDDING

-Terushima POV-

I placed the bag in between my teeth and used my free hand to unlock and open the front door. It smelled strictly of syrup when I walked in. Kyo and his sister must of made pancakes earlier. Or waffles since Kyo doesn't like pancakes. He's freaking weird, I mean is there really a difference? (Yes, yes there is.)

I kicked the door shut and walked to the kitchen placing the food on the counter. Kyotani walked into the kitchen jumping a little when he saw me. "Fuck you scared me." He said looking back down at his phone. I bit my lip. Maybe I could use tonight to ask him how he wanted to be proposed to like Bokuto suggested.

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