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-Iwaizumi POV-

"Happy birthday honey." My mom said kissing my head and giving me a cupcake with one candle. This was our usual for my birthdays nowadays. Well, Oikawa would be over normally but, she absolutely hates him now.

I stared at the cupcake. Ever since my dad left, she stopped baking me big cakes for my birthday. And it's not that I'm a child and want her to do that, but it would be nice to just celebrate like normal. Instead, I think she hates my birthdays. Because they are just a constant reminder that dad is gone.

"Make a wish."

I looked up at my mom then blew out the single candle. My wish was different for the first time in 5 years. I use to always wish two things, one, that my mom would be happy and two that Oikawa loved me just as much as I loved him. Now, I just wish I could see him more.

"Good boy!" She smiled placing the cupcake down in front of me on the table. I stared at it for a moment. If oikawa where here, I would've ended up splitting it with him like I always do. Then he'd give me whatever stupid gift he spent a bullshit amount of money on. I swear that kid is richer than Bruce Wayne. At least our kids will be covered for college.

My mom patted my back. "Anything you wanna do for your birthday? Maybe hang out with some friends? Do you have a girlfriend yet?" I shook my head and sighed. She bit her lip, resting her hand on her hip. "Haijime.... I'm sure Oikawa has moved on by now. You know that boy so I th-."

I stood from my seat causing her to stop talking. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm going to sleep." I lied grabbing the cupcake from the table. Before I left the room, I looked in her eyes and threw it in the trash.

Oikawa would totally think I was badass for that.

Once upstairs, I locked my door and took out my phone. I had one text from oikawa.

Oikawa- Look at out the window when your ready handsome~

I snorted and stuffed my phone back in my pocket. When I opened my blinds, I saw Oikawa sitting in his window, one leg hanging out, his bare leg swinging back n forth.. He had one of my hoodies on along with shorts that I believe are also mine. Of course he had on his cute glasses. Dammit, I'm jealous of his good looks.

Smiling, I opened my window. Oikawa was reading a book. Probably about aliens. I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me too it not even looking up from his book, "Iwachan, you were staring."

I snorted and leaned on the window with my arms. "I hope you fall off."

He finally turned his beautiful brown eyes to me. I felt heat rush to my face as he smiled. "Do you really iwachan?"

I rolled my eyes at that adorable yet ridiculous nickname. "Of course I don't Tooru." I shook my head. Oikawa smiled brightly. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Oikawa put his book down and climbed back in his window. "Wanna see something?!" He asked excitedly. I nodded. He winked at me before turning around and beginning to take off his hoodie. He had a shirt underneath but it was lifting up with his hoodie revealing his sweet innocent skin. I wanna bruise that skin and it honestly pisses me off that he doesn't have a mark of mine on his back.

Once the hoodie was off, he fixed his shirt still facing away from me. My heart stopped when I saw the words 'Happy Birthday Iwachan~' on the back of the shirt in cursive letters. I bit my lip and looked down for a moment.

"Do you like it iwachan?!"

I chuckled and looked back up at him. He had finally turned around and was standing with both his hands on his hips. The front side of his shirt read, 'Iwachans present' with an arrow pointing down towards his dick.

I laughed covering my face to hide my blush. "Your such a dork."

"But I'm your dork and you love me!" He giggled.

I looked back up at him a hand still over my mouth. "I do." I nodded. Oikawa nodded as well and then turned around and grabbed something from his bed. He came back to the window a small blush on his face. "You okay?" I asked concerned.

He looked up at me and nodded. "I-I got you something else too," he bit his bottom lip. "Here.." He threw the box at me. I caught it with ease.

"I swear to god Tooru if this is a ring I'm going to kick your ass. I wanna be the one to propose." I admitted to him.

He stared at me. "H-Haijime..."

"Is it a ring Tooru?"

He looked confused by the question. "N-no..." he said finally shaking his head. "Sorry you just caught me off guard.." he whispered pulling at the hem of his shirt. I bit my lip. He was really embarrassed right now and I almost feel bad.

I sighed and opened the box. Inside, was a small chain with a silver key hooked on it. The key had the name 'Oikawa' written down the middle of it. I slowly held it up and looked at him.

He scratched the back of his head. "So... you know how you said when we go to college, you didn't wanna stay in a dorm room?.."

I nodded keeping eye contact with him. "W-well," he stuttered. "I um... my mom and I went down there to look at houses and we found one really close to the school. My mom put a down payment on it and so.. it's ours now. Iwachan..."

I swear this kid was so cute I'm gonna cry. The fact that he's so nervous while telling me this. I just wanna hold him and kiss him and mark him. "Geez Tooru.."

He chuckled nervously. "Surprise..." he waved his hands a little.

"You know I love you right?"

Oikawa nodded. "So you're not mad?!"

I shook my head and picked up one of the rocks on window seal. "Of course not shittykawa." I threw it at him. "I'm so happy that I'm going to cry." I admitted blinking away a few tears.

Oikawa jumped in the air. "Yes!" He giggled. "Iwachan~"

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "One question though..." He fiddled with his curtains as he looked at me. "Why does mine have your name on it?"

He was taken back by my question. "Huh? Wait don't tell me.." he quickly moved to the left and unfortunately out of my view. I could stare at him all day, and I would if I got the chance too. But he'd just boast about it so I'd never do that.

"Ugh! I'm sorry iwachan I'm so stupid!" He said frowning as he came back into view. He had a key in his hand. "This one is yours... I must've switched them up.." he pouted looking down.

I laughed. "Hey." He glanced up at me. "How about I'll keep the one with your name, and you keep the one with mine. So when we take our keys out after we come back home, we know who we're coming back too."

Oikawa smirked. "Iwachan so romantic!" He batted his eye lashes and licked his lips. I know what he wanted, that much was obvious.

"Can I come retrieve my present now?" I asked placing the key back in it s box and putting it on my dresser.

Oikawa waited till I was back at the window. "Oh yeah." He winked before holding out his arms. "And I'm all Iwachans tonight so he can do anything he wants to me." His grin drove me crazy.

"Hmmm sounds like a plan."

Imagine having to sneak out just to go to the house next door😂

Also I literally didn't know it was his birthday till this morning❤️✌️

Totally had to come up with this chapter on the spot hope y'all enjoy!!!

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