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-Tanaka POV-

"How is he?"

"Hmm?" I looked up at my sister. "Sorry I was thinking." I leaned back in my chair stretching my arms.

Saeko sighed. "You should get some sleep."

Immediately, I shook my head. "He's in my room."

"I'm aware..." She punches my shoulder. "You needa go take care of  him."

My gut sunk. "Saeko... I can't. He.. well.."

She put her hand on my shoulder. "I know. I saw."

I nodded tears coming to my eyes. Saeko pulled me into a hug. She's been here for me this whole time when it came to Noya. At first, I was a little resistant on letting her know how I felt, but eventually I gave up and told her everything. She was so supportive of me.

Saeko patted my back. "You be careful with him okay? After what's he's been through.."

I shook my head. I really really didn't want to think about it. At all. Not my sweet noya. He's so small and cute and bubbly. But from the interactions we had earlier, he's broken.

After hugging my sister goodnight, I went upstairs to my room. Noya was sitting up in my bed. His knees where too his chest and he was sniffling softly.

I shut my door quietly. Noya flinched but didn't look at me. He was wearing my shirt. And a pair of my boxers. My shorts where too big for him. Especially now that he's gotten skinner.

Not wanting to frighten him, I sat on the end of the bed leaning on my arm. Noya looked up slightly. I held his gaze wanting to just move forward and wipe his tears and hug him and protect him.

"I stole you're bear..." He put his legs down a little to reveal that it had been my bear he was hugging. My parents gave me that bear for my 5th birthday. Noya and I use to play with it a lot. He eventually got one exactly like mine but lost it when his family when on vacation. He bawled and bawled. So I told him we could share mine.

Noya looked at the bear than back at me. "It's just... it reminded me of all the time we've had together an-."

"It's okay." I shook my head. I wanted to make him feel safe.

"Well.. here.." He tried handing it to me. I pushed it back towards him.

"Keep it."


I sighed. "It makes you feel safe right?" Noya nodded. "Then go ahead and keep it."

Noya eyes started to fill with tears again. "T-thank you." His voice cracked.

I opened my arms, waiting for him to come to me. My sister said to be careful and that's what I'm trying to do. I don't want him to feel like he's pressured to do anything.

Crawling into my lap, Noya wrapped his arms around me tightly. I rubbed his back letting him cry into my shoulder. "I got you Noya. It's gonna be okay."

He nodded slightly his tears staining my shirt. "I know.. that's why I came here.."

I pulled him at arms length. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was scared.. I had to wait for the right time." He shrugged. I nodded understandingly. Noya pulled me closer again laying his head in my chest. I ran my hand through his hair.

I'm not sure how to deal with this. Or what I should do. I wanted to ask him about everything but I also just want to reassure him that he's safe.

I hugged him tighter. Either way, I'm gonna make sure he's okay.


Just a little A/N. Please remember this is a FAN FICTION. Any character can be the bad guy. I realize that it may be surprising because of the characters I chose for the 'bad guys' but it all comes down to the way I want the story to go. I apologize for not putting anything in the description but to be honest, I hadn't expected the story to go this way or for this many people to view my story. It was really only intended for my sister. But I'm thankful for the way it has grown.

I have now added a warning to my description. I admit that's my fault. But please don't text me personally complaining because one of your favorite characters has done something unthinkable.

JUST DONT READ MY BOOK. If that's how your gonna be.

I'm gonna say this right now. ASAHI AND NOYA WILL NOT END UP TOGETHER. I really didn't want to have to say that but because of the comments and text I have been getting, I feel like it must be said.

If you want it to go a different way, write your own story it's not that hard.

I WILL NOT change the way my story is going to go because of a few haters. IF YOU DONT LIKE DONT READ.

I am very thankful for all my supports. I really hadn't expected my book to get this popular. (5k may not seem popular to you but it is to me lolll)

I have even made a few friends from writing this book. I love making new friends. Please don't be scared to dm me about questions or really anything.

Again, thanks you. And the next chapter will be out soon. :)

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