Your okay IRL

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-Kuroo POV-

"I don't understand why he cares so much all of a sudden." Bokuto groaned slamming the car door.

I sighed. Kenma hasn't responded to my text. Frowning, I jumped out of the car as well. "I don't know... it's Akaashi." I shut the door.

Bokuto turned to look at me. "EXACTLY! That's why I'm confused. He never gets like this."

I shook my head and walked over to him. "Hey man... maybe he's just super insecure." I patted his back.

Bokuto crossed his arms. "Insecure?" I nodded. Bokuto sighed. "How are you so good at this relationship stuff?"

I laughed. Honestly I wasn't. Not by a long shot. Half the time I'd ask Akaashi for advice on how to make moves on Kenma. Kenma was so quiet and independent. It's hard to make him open up to you. That's why I stay up late. Cause we'll lay in bed, open up our sky light and talk about everything. He loves the sky light.

I put my arm around Bokuto shoulder. "Don't worry man it'll all be fi-."


I looked up toward Akaashi bedroom window then at Bokuto. That was definitely Kenmas voice. And he didn't sound normal. He screamed again and ran to the front door, bokuto behind me. When I attempted to open it, the door got stuck. Someone had put the latch on. I cursed under my breath.

Kenma screamed again. Being closer I could tell that he was crying as well. I turned to Bokuto for a moment. In a matter of seconds he had picked up a brick that was boarding the garden and tossed it threw the living room window.

I climbed through first, looking around. "Kenma!?"

The screaming continued. I ran upstairs immediately going to akaashi's room since that's where I heard it first. When I opened the door all my humanly instincts flew out the damn window.

I dragged Tsukishima off of kenma and threw him against the wall. When he fell to the ground I got on top of him and started punching him as hard as I could. His glasses broke under my knuckles causing my fingers to bleed, but not as much as he was bleeding.

"Kuroo!" Bokuto grabbed my shoulders. I pushed him off of me and continued to punch him. Finally, Bokuto dragged me off and held me away. "Stop your gonna kill him!"

I took a deep breath and looked around. Kenma was curled up in a ball whimpering. I pushed towards him and Bokuto let me go.

"Hey.. baby. Look at me. Are you okay?" I lifted him into my lap. His arms were inbetween his legs. He was shaking uncontrollably. I held him tightly.

Bokuto took off his coat and offered it too me. I took it and started wrapping it around kenmas bare chest.
Kenma looked up at me, his nose drizzled with blood. "Akaashi..." he whispered.

Bokuto zoomed out of the room as soon as he heard his name. I held kenma close to me. My heart was racing. "Kenma.."

Kenma shook his head crying into my shoulder. "He didn't.. but.. he touched me.."

I nodded rubbing his arm. I traced my hand up his arm to his neck. A bite mark was left on his shoulder.  I bit down hard on my lip and kissed Kenmas forehead. "I got you.." I whispered.

He nodded still not removing his hands from in between his legs. I glanced near the wall. Tsukishima laid silently breathing heavily. If it wasn't for Bokuto I would've ended up killing him.

I stood up with Kenma and walked to find Bokuto. It wasn't till I checked the storage room that I found him. "No I just got home someone had broke in. Yes. No. Please he's unconscious. His head is gushing blood.."

Kenma stirred and tried to look for Akaashi. I set him down on one of the boxes before rushing to Bokuto side. Akaashi lay limp in one of his arms.

I looked up at Bokuto. He cheeks where stained with tears. I took Akaashi from him pressing two of my fingers against his wrist. His heart was beating slow and steady.

Bokuto stood up and started pacing as he answered questions the operator was asking him. I tried to find the point of impact on Akaashi head but he had so much hair that it was kinda hard.

When bokuto was done, he dropped the phone and fell to his knees next to me. "Keiji..." he cried. He took him from my arms rocking back and forth with him. I don't think I've ever seen Bokuto this broken.

He probably feels horrible. Especially since he was just arguing with him. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay.. he's okay.."

Bokuto shook his head. "I... I'm so stupid.. I shouldn't have yelled at him or called him a baby.. or said that stupid thing about a girl.. it's all my fault.."

I shook my head. "It's not Bokuto. This was Tsukishima. Okay?" I looked at Him. He looked at me then back at akaashi.

"Please be okay.." he whispered kissing Akaashi head.

I looked up at Kenma. He was sitting with his legs crossed on the box where I had left him. He rubbed his eyes. I stood up and walked over to him. He looked up at me. I picked him up and pulled him into a hug. "Thank god your okay.." I whispered. Outside I could hear sirens.

Kenma cried into my shoulder. With cops now being close by, I finally let down my guard and cried as well...

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