Um continued? IRL

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-Trigger Warning Attempted Suicide-

-Terushima POV-

"Was that semi?"

Tendou turned and looked at me from his place on the bed. "Yeah thanks a lot asshole."

I scratched the back of my head. "Um.. you called me." I came forward and sat on the bed. He sat up and took off his shirt before handing me his arm. I gritted my teeth as I looked at the cuts. "Tendou you're better then this."

"Fuck off that's not what I want to hear..." He whispered, wincing when I placed a cold rag to his cuts.

I could feel him staring at me as I was tending his wounds. "What?" I rolled my eyes as I looked up at him. He shook his head and looked back down.

I've never seen Tendou so sad. He was always happy and go getting when we were together back then. I guess maybe he didn't tell me any of the thoughts going through his head. Which is why I was surprised when he called me about this.

I tried to send him to a hospital but he begged me not to. So instead, I said I'd come over myself and clean him up. It's not like I'm mad about it, but I had planned to go to Kyotani's tonight. I could always go afterward though.

"Semi hates me... he's never gonna listen and let me explain."

"I'll talk to him."

Tendou snorted. "What the fuck is that going to do?"

"Than I'll have Kyotani talk to him." I shrugged wiping down his arm with a dry towel now.

"You're boyfriends cute."

I squeezed his wrist in between my fingers. He winced but didn't pull away. "I'm aware..." I'm not sure what he wants to get outta talking to me about Kyotani but maybe he just needs a distraction. "He's really sweet when he wants to be."

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled softly. "How's the sex?"

I sighed. I knew that question was coming. "Fucking Fantastic." I looked up at him. He smiled softly.

A long time ago, I woulda basically jumped at the chance to lean forward and kiss him, but now, all I want to do is go see Kyotani. He makes me feel different from any other relationship I've been in. I love him so damn much.

"How about you and Semi? How's the sex?"

"You ever bottomed?"

I shook my head. "Kyo the first man I've been with and I'm top."

Tendou pulled his arm away and leaned over the side of the bed to grab something out of his drawer. When he handed a tube to me, I stared at it. It was cream for burns and cuts. I smiled sadly at him before taking his arm back in my lap and applying the cream.

He squeezed his eyes shut. "Semi and I switch off."

"Kinky.." I said without really thinking about it. I honestly don't want to think of my ex boyfriend having sex. Even if we are cool and all the drama and feelings are past, it's still weird.

"But I'm mainly bottom. So it's intense."

I snorted. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Tendou whispered. I glanced up at him and saw a tear falling from his closed eyes. My heart hurt for him. He cared about Semi a lot. Semi was just so scared that he couldn't look past his cheating history.

I pulled him forward and hugged him to my chest. His wounded arm lay limp in between us while his other arm wrapped around my neck. It's been so long since I've hugged him. It kinda felt weird.

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