We need a break

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-Iwachan and Oikawa chat-

Iwaizumi- please stop ignoring me
Oikawa come on...
don't be so mean
Okay so me and mad dog kissed what's the big deal?


Iwaizumi- it was before me and you started dating I promise

Oikawa- was it that night... when you were at his house in that chat.. and he sent that picture

Iwaizumi- oikawa...

Oikawa- answer the fucking question Iwaizumi

Iwaizumi- yes...

Oikawa- why?...

Iwaizumi- I didn't mean to oikawa... it just kinda happened..

Oikawa- did you guys?...

Iwaizumi- no. I swear to you oikawa we did not... I told you my first time was with you...

Oikawa- it don't matter what you tell me anymore, you keep lying

Iwaizumi- I'm sorry oikawa

Oikawa- no Iwachan... I'm sick of it.. it hurts okay?!

Iwaizumi- ....

Oikawa- I think we're doing good then all of a sudden mad dog knows something I don't. It's stupid.. I'm your boyfriend but ever since we started dating, it's like you hate me more

Iwaizumi- I've never hated you

Oikawa- 'shittykawa, crappykawa, stupidkawa' whatever the hell you call me

Iwaizumi- you know I don't mean that..

Oikawa- I don't. I really don't because you avoid my advances every chance you get

Iwaizumi- I don't

Oikawa- Geez iwachan can you just admit that your wrong for once.. I'm sick of being the bad guy

Iwaizumi- well your getting mad for no reason..


Iwaizumi- calm down oikawa

Oikawa- no. Leave me alone Iwaizumi I'm done for tonight

Iwaizumi- oikawa...

Oikawa- just please iwachan... until you finger out who you want... don't text me. I'm not gonna be a second choice. Im worth more than that no matter what anyone says...

Iwaizumi- your not my second choice oikawa. Your my first for everything

Oikawa- mad dog sure seems to believe differently

Iwaizumi- who cares what he thinks

Oikawa- I do..

Iwaizumi- why?

Oikawa- because...

Iwaizumi- because why oikawa

Oikawa- he's gotten closer to you in ways I know I never can.... I tell you everything Iwaizumi.. everything. You never tell me anything. But mad dog, oh you'll stay up till 3 am to talk to him. Yet when I text you, you get mad..

Iwaizumi- I'm only playing oikawa you know that!

Oikawa- no. I told you I don't. It doesn't make sense..

Iwaizumi- oikawa

Oikawa- I'm jealous of mad dog Iwaizumi.... I wanted you all to myself but you obviously didn't just want me..

Iwaizumi- oikawa I do want you
I've always wanted you
I fucking wear your underwear oikawa

Oikawa- leave me alone Iwaizumi... I don't want to talk to you anymore

Iwaizumi- no your gonna talk to me. Your not leaving till fix this

Oikawa- we should take a break.

Iwaizumi- what?...

Oikawa- I think.. we should break up for now.. iwachan...

Iwaizumi- why?

Oikawa- because you need to figure out who you want...

Iwaizumi- oikawa...
I want you.
I want you.
I really want you.
I really really want you.
From the bottom of my heart.

Oikawa- goodnight iwachan... sweet dreams yeah?...💛

Iwaizumi- oikawa Stop
Come here please
please don't do this to us
Oikawa come on
This is real shitty of you
How could you do this?
I want you. What don't you get about that?

Our pictures came in

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Our pictures came in... did you get the email?
oikawa I'm so sorry please answer me..

-6 hours later-
-oikawa saved a picture from Iwaizumi-

Iwaizumi- goodmorning oikawa ❤️

Oikawa- 👍

Iwaizumi- ...... baby... we didn't actually break up right?...

Oikawa- no. I broke up with you. So stop calling me that.

Iwaizumi- ...shittykawa....

Oikawa- 👍

(oH a fanfic we're Iwaizumi is the attached one hahahaha I always think it's better when iwachan is attached because it makes it cuter. Since like he acts all big and bad.

Also I hate this chapter. Those are my babies and I literally can't rn. It took so much out of me to make oikawa say he wanted a break)

Haikyuu text Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora