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-in the Cupid's chat-

Kuroo- guys... please tell me you believe me
My heart can take this
I really don't remember that
Kenma fucking hates me
He won't even talk to me

Terushima- I believe you. That Tsukishima fucker always seemed sketchy

Tanaka- yeah and since there's evidence I don't see the point in you lying

Kuroo- thank you- omfg
Thank you guys so much
I thought you hated me

Terushima- naw man never

Tanaka- ^

Kuroo- my heart hurts so bad

Tanaka- wait wait so you don't remember sleeping with him

Kuroo- hell no!

Tanaka- does that mean..

Terushima- holy fuck Kuroo... you were

Kuroo- please don't say it...

Tanaka- what are you gonna do..

Kuroo- I just want Kenma to forgive. That's all.

Terushima-if he didn't like you, he wouldn't be so mad

Kuroo- what do I say to him...

Tanaka- maybe you should give him a minute let him calm down then talk to him

Terushima- no that's bullshit! Kuroo was h th e one that was raped but Kenma is the one who's mad?! Fuck that!

Tanaka- Terushima...

Terushima- fuck it I'm texting kenma that kid gets on my damn nerves

Kuroo- please don't. Please fucking don't

Tanaka- terushima

Terushima- WHY NOT this is bullshit!

Kuroo- because..

Terushima- fine I'll do it in the playground chat

Tanaka- terushima stop seriously...

Terushima- nope

-Cupid's playground chat-

Terushima- hey psa to everyone Tsukishima raped Kuroo. So hope y'all are happy for making fun of him and taking tsukki side 🖕

Hinata- what

Kageyama- wait huh?

Tsukishima- I didn't rape him he was just drunk 🤷‍♀️

Kenma- wtf...

Terushima- fucking asshole

Oikawa- Geez man...

Tanaka- yeppp

Kuroo- can we change the subject

-oikawa has removed Tsukishima from the chat-

Oikawa- your welcome

Tanaka- how?

Oikawa- co owner ❤️

Tanaka- ohhhh Okay lolll

Kuroo- kenma..?

Bokuto- Kuroo I love you

Kuroo- ❤️❤️I love you too...

Bokuto- come over and we can cuddle till you feel better!

Kuroo- oki...

Akaashi- we can all cuddle

Kuroo- I love you guys

Oikawa- are you gonna take this to the police?

Kuroo- I just want kenma to forgive me Idc bout anything else really.....

Iwaizumi- I'd be pissed

Oikawa- if I was kenma I'd be pissed too

Tanaka- kenma said he's blowing up Tsukishima so that's why he's not responding

Hinata- that's my kenma!

Kuroo- kenma... can you come cuddle as well?

-kenma and Tsukishima chat-

Kenma- you fucking salty French whore
Wtf is wrong with you!
How the hell could you take advantage of someone who's drunk?
And Kuroo of all people?
He's so fucking amazing
He would've been friends with you if you just asked
Wha the hell
I fucking hate you
I hope you get hit by a bus you fucking pussy

Tsukishima- are you jealous?

Kenma- jealous?
Wtf are you serious?
This isn't about jealousy!
You raped someone!
You raped Kuroo!

Tsukishima- so your jealous

Kenma- you-
Your lucky I don't stomp my little ass over to your house and kick your dick
-this user has blocked you, they will no longer receive your messages-
You idiot!
-this user has blocked you, they will no longer receive your messages-
I hate you so much! Kuroo was supposed to lose his virginity to me!
-this user has blocked you, they will no longer receive your messages-
What the hell?....
-this user has blocked you, they will no longer receive your messages-

-in Kuroo and kenma chat-

Kuroo- you don't hate me right?..
Kenma please don't say you hate me
I'm really sorry
I really am
Your my best friend I promise I would've told you..
I never wanted him..

Kenma- Ik Kuroo. It's okay

Kuroo- oh thank gosh you don't hate me! My chest hurt so bad

Kenma- I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get mad at you. I should've believed you

Kuroo- it's okay really...

Kenma- do you want to come over?

Kuroo- well... bokuto invited me to his house but I think I'd rather go to your house

Kenma- you can go to bokuto house and come over afterward?

Kuroo- okay :(....I won't be long

Kenma- ok

(I dearly apologize for any Tsukishima stans)

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