Safe Now

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Hello my lovely readers! How have you all been? I'm so very sorry I haven't been posting much. But as some of you may know, I was affected by the fires on New Years (luckily didn't lose my house(and I stress luckily)) so I've been very busy helping friends rebuild homes and working every other day. But now with COVID-19 that has all stopped (except for my work at the moment) so I have a lot of free time.... tell me what you have all been up to??

Louis sighs heavily as he walks out of the office, ever since he took the promotion he was offered he's felt like a slave, he knew the work load would be more, but holy hell no wonder the old guy quit.

He bids goodbye to the cleaner, walking over to his car, but he stop as he feels someone staring. He turns to see someone slightly stumbling over to him, he hears them giggle quite a bit.

"H-hey! Y-you wanna good time?" They ask, and Louis pities them, they look like they have it pretty rough. "No thank you darling, can I help you with anything else? I think I have some cash on me, give me a sec." he pulls his wallet out of his back pocket, ready to hand them a few bills when he sees them double over and fall to the ground, vomiting.

"Shit!" He curses, kneeling down next to them and rubbing their back. "Are you ok? How much have you had to drink?" Louis asks quietly, taking off his suit jacket to put around their shoulders, the small person suddenly a lot more sober. "I-I don't know... I think he might have like mixed something with my lemonade." Louis sighs, rubbing the young lads back. "Do you have someone I call? You seem pretty young lad, what are you doing out here all on your own?"

He quickly hears a small sniffle, making him backtrack. "Hey, what's wrong? Can I call someone?" The boys shakes his head, fisting at his eyes. "N-no... they kicked me out! I don't have anywhere to go!" He sobs, pulling at his hair.

"Hey, that's ok.. how about you come and stay with me? My husband and I have plenty of room and I think our son would love someone to play dinosaurs with that isn't his daddy or papa." The boy looks up, his eyes showing uncertainty.

"You don't have to, but I would feel better knowing you had somewhere warm to sleep tonight." The boy nods, standing with the help of Louis. "I'm Louis by the way, what's your name, lad?"

"Harry.." The boy mumbles, keeping his eyes down as Louis helps him into the car.

"Right, off we go." He says as he starts the engine, making sure to blast the heat.

When they arrive at Louis' home, Harry remains quiet, not saying a word as Louis opens the door for him and follows him in. "Liam darling, I'm home!" He calls, taking off his shoes and asking if Harry wouldn't mind because Liam would have a fit if his freshly cleaned carpets were dirtied -even though Louis' pretty sure Niall had gotten dirty already. Harry giggles slightly as Louis speaks, smiling at the man and thanking him for taking him in.

"No problem dear, like I said, I'd sleep better knowing you had a nice bed to sleep in." He leads Harry to the main living area, his and Liam's place being mainly open plan as it was Liam dream idea. "Hello my darlings, this is Harry, he'll be staying with us for awhile."

When Louis finishes speaking, Harry shakes his head. "N-no no! Just one night! I promise! I wouldn't want to burden you guys like that! I'll be gone tomorrow! I promise!" Louis shakes his head, Liam standing and walking over, leaving Niall at the table with his brow furrowed.

"Hello dear, I'm Liam." Harry nods, introducing himself and thanking him for letting him stay in his home. "Harry doesn't have a place to stay so I said we'd have him for the night, and as long as he needs." Liam nods, his slight frown fading away as Louis mentions him not having a place to stay.

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