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"Louis, you need to come down to St. George's right now! Harry's just been rushed in by ambulance, he's had a seizure. Apparently it was a bad one, Niall's with him now, but he wants us to get down there quickly." Louis agrees, asking his boss if he can leave for a family emergency. "Is it for your partner?" Louis nods, biting his lip.

"Take as long as you need love, I hope he's ok." Louis smiles, thanking her as he leaves. He jumps into his car and speeds down to the hospital, he runs in, seeing Anne sitting in a seat and playing on her phone. "Is he ok?" Anne shrugs, telling him to sit with her and wait. They see Niall come out and smile sadly when he sees them. Rushing over, Louis nodding quietly as Anne starts to ask questions. "Are we allowed to see him?" Niall shrugs, asking a doctor if Anne and Louis are allowed to go back and see Harry. "Are you family?" Anne and Louis nod, thanking the man as he takes them back to where Harry is sleeping on the bed. "I think a nurse is going to come around soon and get some more details." Anne nods, Louis moving and sitting next to Harry as the younger boy sleeps. "I'm so sorry Anne, he was fine one minute. Then he was slurring his words more and he was dragging his feet and-and then he fell that's why his face is scraped up. I'm sorry!" Anne shakes her head, bringing the boy into her arms and letting him cry. "It's ok love, it could have happened even if the two of you weren't out." Niall nods, wiping his eyes and looking to Louis.

"I'm sorry Lou, I should've been more careful." Louis shrugs. "It's fine, Ni." He mumbles, gently moving hair out of Harry's face. The younger boy whines and moves his head away, making Louis smile and rub his arm at just the right pressure. Harry whines again, cracking his eyes open. "Hi sweetheart, calm down you had a seizure, that's why you feel poorly bubs." Harry then coughs, spit flying out of his mouth as Louis rushes to sit him up. "It's ok sweetheart, take a breath baby, shhh shh shh." Harry eventually ceases coughing, his head lolling to the side as more spit dribbles out of his mouth. "You're ok baby, it's ok." Louis whispers as he wipes at Harry's cheeks and then wipes off his shirt.

A nurse then comes in, a clipboard and some paperwork. "Hi, sorry to bother you all. If someone could sign these for me and then we'll get him up to a room." Louis nods, thanking her as she leaves. "Lou, it's like three.. have you organised anything for Layla?" Louis' eyes widen and he stands quickly, Niall grabs his arm, telling him to stay with Harry.

"I'll get her, don't worry. Want me to bring her here, or take her back to your place?" Louis shakes his head. "If we're going to start teaching her about Autism and how it affects H then she needs to know about everything." Niall nods, telling them he'll be back soon.

"Hey baby, you hear that? Ni's gunna bring in Layla." Harry sleepily looks at Louis, a small smile playing on his lips. "Ba-bee..." Louis nods, smiling. "Yeah, your baby's coming love." As they wait for Niall, Harry falls asleep, small snores escaping his lips. "Daddy!" Layla yells as she comes running in and jumping in Louis' lap and hugging him tightly - just like Harry likes it. "Hi baby, we have to be quiet though, Papa's a bit sickly and we have to let him sleep." The small girl nods, turning to look at her other father. "Why Daddy?"

"Well, you know how me and Papa we're talking to you about how Papa has a disability called Autism?" The small girl nods, looking at Louis with the biggest innocent eyes he thinks he's ever seen. "Good, well sometimes people that have autism also have something called epilepsy. Which means that Papa has seizures." She nods again, slower this time and a slight frown on her face. "Do you understand?" She shrugs a little but shakes her head. "Ok, that's alright, what don't you understand baby girl?"

"Why does Papa have seizures?" Louis looks to Anne, who gives him a warm smile. "Well, 'Member how I told you Papa has special doctors who help him?" She nods again. "Yeah, so one of Papa's doctors is called a neurologist, which means that they look at pictures of Papa's brain and tell us about it when we go and see him, and he told us that him and his doctor friends don't know why Papa has seizures but they're trying to figure it out, yeah? Anymore questions?" She shakes her head, turning around in Louis' grasp and smiling as she notices Harry is now awake. She gently slips off of Louis' lap and then crawls onto Harry's hospital bed, gently moving the hair from Harry's face. "Be gentle baby, Papa's sore and tired." She nods, leaning down to kiss his nose - their special little thing that Louis or anyone else will ever understand. "Babee.." Harry whispers, his voice hoarse from not using it. "Hiii Papa!" She says quietly, letting her small hand move to where Harry's much bigger one is. "Uncle Ni said you were sick today and that you have to have a sleepover at the hospital." Harry looks to Niall, frowning at him.

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