"Oh Max, they were here! The Ghouls were here!" Jasmine whispered, urging him to sit down. "I don't know what we're going to do."

"Where'a Brad?" Max asked, his face tense. "I saw this on the news."

"He's in surgery." Roxanne responded. "He was shot twice, but he managed to make it to the elevator before the Ghouls could finish him."

Max's face went pale. "They know we live here."

Jasmine nodded, unshed tears building up in her eyes.

Roxanne stood up, not wanting to feel faint. She had to move around, had to feel like she was doing something. "We have to transfer him somewhere else."

"He is right over here, Mr and Mrs. Uppercrust."

They turned around to see two tall good looking people walking towards them, a nurse leading them.

The man was tall, and an exact copy of Bradley, just a bit older. His eyes looked tired, but his face was stern. His dark coat hung almost to his knees, a cane in one hand.

His wife, was the complete opposite.

Her bright red coat matched the red lipstick she wore. Her blond hair was curled up, pearl earrings hanging from each ear. Her eyes reminded Roxanne of a hawks eye, gold, and menacing.

They walked past them, not even bothering to glance at any of them. Roxanne looked over at Jasmine who had hid her face in her hands.

"Woah, those are his parents?" Max said.

Jasmine nodded.

"Have they met you before?" He asked her. She shook her head.

"I didn't want to meet them. They would have recognized me instantly." Jasmine said softly. She looked at Roxanne and took a deep breath. "I'm a Flores. As in the Flores Oil Company."

"Like the gas stations and hotels and stuff??" Max said, shocked. "You guys own like half the world!"

Jasmine sighed and closed her eyes. "Yeah, that."

Roxanne would have never guessed. How much more was she hiding? She had a feeling much much more.

"Why have you never said anything?" Max asked her. "All this time and you never told me."

Roxanne couldn't help but feel out of place, and a little uncomfortable. She had forgotten that these two used to date.

"Max, why would I say any of that? I wanted you and Brad to like me for me. Not for who I was related to." Jasmine said, her eyes meeting Max's gaze.

"I don't think that would have changed anything." Max said. Roxanne was wishing that she could disappear.

Jasmine laughed. "Easier to say that."

"What do you mean I cannot see my son?!" Mrs. Uppercrust yelled. "I am his mother!"

"He is in surgery right now, and you cannot go in there." The nurse said, turning red.

"I think we should go help them out." Roxanne said, wanting to flee from the conversation Jasmine and Max were having.

Jasmine sighed. "I guess you're right."

"You can do it." Max said to her. Jasmine smiled at him.

"I can." She said, and walked over to them. Roxanne couldn't hear anything, but she saw Jasmine give a slight bow to each parent.

"Do you know what's said about the Flores family?" Max said to her as they sat alone.

Roxanne shook her head. She wasn't familiar with American gossip.

"That they're mafia." Max whispered. "Of course its just a rumor. But who knows?"

That sparked something in Roxanne's brain. Jasmine has said she had taken care of Mikolaj... what had she meant by that?

"Well, whatever their truth, Jasmine's my friend and I'll accept whatever." Roxanne said, a little irritated at Max's gossip. "And don't you go running your mouth. This is her secret to tell. Not yours."

"Woah, Roxy, relax." Max said, his hands up defensively. "I won't, I promise."

"Sorry for bailing on you earlier." She said, wanting to switch the topic. She was scared and nervous, not to mention sleep deprived.

"It's fine. I get it. I guess Thanksgiving won't be happening." Max said. Roxanne shook her head.

"I wouldn't feel right leaving." She said. Max sighed.

"You're right. I need to call my folk and let them know."

"Are you going to tell Mona?" Roxanne asked softly, not looking at him.

"Yeah," he lied, knowing damn well he wasn't. He was not going to spend the day with her.

"Good." Roxanne said, nodding.

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