One More Secret

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Max couldn't go back to bed. Not after that phone call.

She had been serious about them being friends, and as much as he wanted to comply, it was hard to say it didn't bother him.

He sat in the living room, his feet up on the coffee table. The rain was coming down hard outside. So much for the hope it would stop by morning.

He had seen her get in the taxi. He really wished she would have rode with him back home, but she was probably feeling awkward. Heck, he felt awkward.

The house was awfully quiet. His dad had set up alarms all over the house after what had happened, and honestly he was scared to go back and sleep in his room. Thankfully the guys asked no questions.

Bobby was spending the holidays with Stacey while PJ was with Mocha. He didn't want to spend the night with Mona. He had spent too much time with her already.

What was he going to do with her? Clearly his friends didn't like her, nor she them, but he was lonely. That wasn't a good excuse, nor fair for her, but he wanted to move on and he didn't know how.

He grabbed the remote and decided some background noise might help him fall back asleep.

The first thing he saw was channel 5, reporting from the hospital on campus. He turned the volume up and tried to relax.

"It hasn't been confirmed whether or not they're in the building, but FBI has just got here along with a swat team. " A tall news reporter said, holding tight to her microphone. Her hand was trembling a bit as she tried to hold on to her umbrella.

"What the heck?" Max exclaimed as he read the headlines on the screen:


Bradley was there!

Max jumped up from the sofa, his heart pounding. There was no other reason for the ghouls to be at their hospital? They must be targeting each of them. First him, and now Brad. Hopefully Brad was all right.  He had to be.

Grabbing his car keys with shaky hands, Max stormed out, afraid.

"He will be okay, they are guarding the operating room." Roxanne said, patting Jasmine on the back. The red head looked up at her, her mascara smudge all over her pretty green eyes. Roxanne sighed. There was no use. Nothing she could say would make the situation better.

"His parents are on the way." She said, her shoulders shaking. "I've never met them, and now looking like this and Bradley being injured, ugh it's too much for me."

Bradley's family was a well known family. He came from old money, meaning his family had been rich for a very long time. The Uppercrusts were known to be related with some royal family in Europe. Roxanne didn't know which one. He had made sure to try to keep as much information from the public as he could.

"I'm just glad those monsters are gone." Roxanne said. The hospital had been searched and the Ghouls were no where to be found.

"I wish they would have caught them. I'm so scared of them coming back. They were clearly after Brad. They know you and me. What if we're next?" Jasmine said. She was biting her lip nervously. "I need a drink. Or a smoke. I need something."

"No you don't." She said, hugging her. "We will be okay, have faith."

Jasmine nodded.

"Roxanne! Jasmine!"

They both turned around to see Max heading their way. He was wearing a dark red rain coat.

"Why are you guys here? Roxy, I thought you were going home? I saw you leave!" Max said, approaching them.

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