Letters from the Past

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Max ran on the treadmill, feeling content that this wasn't as painful as the last time he was here. His leg was healing, and this was helping him stay in shape.

He had been back on campus for a week now, and had taken a short break from his physical therapy sessions.

"Two more minutes and I think we can call this a success," Mr. Tanner said, noting something down. He was the physical therapist Max had been working with for the past three months.

"I... feel.. great," Max said, as he continued to run.

He felt great, having had one of the best breaks so far. He had spent most of his time with Roxanne, and he was happy to be back on campus. Lately there had been no more sudden attacks from the Ghouls, but it still bothered him that the girls lived across their frat house. He didn't think it was safe for them to do so.

Jasmine had gotten them security, but still. Security hadn't helped that poor woman in the parking lot of the club.

"And.. done! Great job, Mr. Goof." Mr. Tanner stated, stopping the machine. Max bent over, catching his breath. "A solid thirty minutes."

"You think I'll be ready for the Games this spring?" he asked him, wiping his sweaty face on the towel that was handed to him.

"I don't see why not," said Mr. Tanner. "Your x-rays look fine and you're regaining a lot of your strength back,"

"Yeah, my arm doesn't hurt as much as it did before. And I can walk without support," Max said, "I guess my leg wasn't as bad as I first thought."

"You were lucky," Mr. Tanner responded. "Usually these things are a lot worse."

Max nodded. He tried not to think back to the accident. Could it have been the Ghouls?

"I'd like to see you twice a week now, especially since I'm assuming you're going to start your training again, correct?"

"For sure," Max replied. "I have to get us in shape, and look for a fourth member, I doubt our last guy wants to play for us again,"

"If I was younger I would have loved to play," Tanner said, surprising him.

"NO way, you used to ride?"Max asked.

Tanner nodded. "It's all we did in the 80s,"

"That's cool," Max said. "Why did you never try out for the games?"

Tanner turned red. "Who said I didn't?"

"Are you forreal?" Max asked. "This whole time and you never mentioned it to me! How was it?"

Tanner began to laugh. "Roughly the same. I used to be in the Gamma House."

"You are full of surprises my man," Max said, stepping off the treadmill. "The Gammas?"

"Yeah, they were the leading house, and the only main house that represented this university in the Games,"

"This is awesome," Max said. "We will have to talk more next time I'm in,"

"Of course, I'll see you next week Max,"

Max waved as he walked out of the physical therapy office. Bobby and PJ were waiting for him in the lobby.

"How did it go, dude? Did he check you off to play in the games?" asked PJ, standing up.

"Yo, if he didn't I'll go pop his tires," Bobby stated.

"Relax," Max said laughing, "He gave me the all clear."

"That's awesome dude!" Bobby said, embracing him in a tight hug. He felt PJ slap him in the back.

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