Slowly But Definitely (One-shot)

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"Are you mad?" asked Mafumafu. His eyebrows drooped downwards sadly, and I did have to say that he was adorable like this too, no matter how frustrating this situation was.

"You're always going too easy on them," I said as I grabbed his hand in mine, and tangled all five of our fingers together. "They never shed a single tear before, no matter how hard I was on them,"

"But you know they all mean good from all their actions," Mafumafu held my hand back in his. "Besides, I've been under their care when you were away for three days,"

Ever since I brought Mafumafu home, I tried to finish up errands within a day, but one of them required a couple of days back then. By the time I came home, my men sat down in this very room, together with Mafumafu, simply enjoying tea.

"I should have taken you with me,"

"I'll only hinder you, so no," he smiled sadly at me, and I had a feeling it was because he was thinking very little about himself. He does that a little too often.

I brought his hand up and kissed the back of it. He would blush and fluster for a bit, saying things like how my men would see us like this, but then he'd give me a shy, toothy smile even as he says that.

"I'm going to Nagoya tomorrow," I said.

He looked a little lonely, but he'd steel himself and tell me that he'd have my bags ready for me. The him who tries to stay strong on his own always seemed to captivate me to the point I thought I was hopeless when it came to him.

"Come with me, Mafumafu," I squeezed his hand a little when I said this.

Mafumafu paused for a while, looking a little happy, but shook his head, rejecting my offer. I kissed him on the back of his hand again, not saying anything more.

Because I knew he was staying back for my sake.

"Kashitarou will also be coming with me, so-"

"So if anything happens, and I can't handle it, look for Rib-san, right?" Mafumafu cut in, continuing my sentence for me.

"I know I say that all the time, but Rib isn't going to be here too," I sighed. There were only the troublesome ones who were staying at the main house while I was away this time. "Tomohisa and Luz would be here. 96neko too,"

"... Th-Then I'll just ask Luz-kun to help if-" Mafumafu stammered. He knew I never liked him together with Tomohisa, but he didn't know one other thing either.

"You're not allowed to go near Luz," I said lowly. The thought of Luz being next to Mafumafu was not pleasant, considering how I knew that man's nature.

"Then I'll go to 96-chan, okay?" he said.

Even though 96neko wasn't exactly the best person to go to when you needed help (since she never really took things seriously) but I guessed it was better than having Mafumafu depend on the two wolves in the clan.

I nodded, and I could feel Mafumafu squeeze his hand around mine. I lifted my head up to look at him again, and I knew just what he wanted to say from the looks of it.

I stood up, and with our fingers still intertwined, I pulled him out of the room, and up to our bedroom.

The day before I leave for a couple of days, Mafumafu would always have this expression on his face that indirectly tells me that he was reluctant to let me go. My heart would sting when he looked like that, so I shower him with tons of love the night before I leave.

"... Are we going to do it?" Mafumafu asked quietly as we walked down the corridor.

"... Of course,"

Soraru x MafumafuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang