Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Tyler's POV

My head was full of any possible scenarios that might keep me from seeing my sister come out of that room alive. I was still not myself after I saw Faith practically throw herself into a fight that had me thinking someone was going to die. Everything that has happened in the past couple of hours just replayed in my head like a movie starting over but stopping at the one part where the dvd was scratched up.



Once Neal ran into the not so welcoming house we heard a blood churning scream come out of, I went after him. It took me a couple steps to realize Faith and Ana were still behind me, leave it to Faith to grab my nagging mate on her way here.

"Faith, take Anna and go home. " I nearly demanded.

She sent me a threating glare as she pulled Ana to the side and had a very brief side conversation with her. When they were finished she softly pushed Anna towards me and she stood back and watched as Anna practically seduced me.

"Ty. I never told you how much you tempt me." She whispered into my ear.

Her hot breath made shivers go down my spine as I stood there motionless listening to her. How could one girl make my body just lose control like this? I swallowed hard trying not to make it obvious that she was making me tremble inside.

"Anna I - I -" She cut me off by pushing her body against mine. The fact that I haven't marked her yet was pushed to the front of my mind and I honestly couldn't get rid of the urge for marking her right now. I brushed my lips up and down the sensitive part of her neck as she trembled in response, and of course I lost control of myself.

"Mine." I growled possessively but not intentionally.

Just as I opened my mouth slightly to mark her she pushed me away forcefully.

"What is wrong with you? Were you really about to mark me?"

"Anna I was just -" I tried to explain but couldn't find the words. The next thing I knew I was slapped across my face and pushed against a tree that I haven't even seen.

"If you ever try to mark me without my permission again, I swear to you our future children will seize to exist." She growled and with that she linked arms with Faith and they stomped their way inside of the house.

I was still in shock after fifteen minutes had passed and I wasn't going to move until my stomach said other wise. It growled loud enough for a human to think we had a volcanic eruption taking place. What ! I haven't eaten in God knows how many hours! I made my way inside and was caught by surprise when a saw a light being turned on by Faith as her and Anna sat at the kitchen table that showed no sign of being eaten at in decades. The floors were wooden just like the house was but it had some much dirt covering it you would think there wasn't a floorboard after all. I walked in cautiously still not really trusting my instincts,I just grasped in my surroundings and I happened to see I see a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, even a laundry room in this dusty old house!

"This is ridiculous." I mumbled to myself.

I walked into the kitchen just to hear silence follow as I made my way to the fridge. I still don't understand why girls stop talking when you walk by. They clearly make it obvious that one,they were talking about you and two, they didn't want you to listen. So what's the point of talking at all when you were going to stop talking when the person you didnt want listening to your conversation walks in? I seriously don't understand girls.

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