Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Neal's POV

I just sounded like a complete baby just a minute ago, who knew Audrie could make even an alpha break down like that? I walked past Jess's room and saw him rummaging his dressers and pouring out papers. I felt a hint of suspicion rush through me so I decided to ask him what he was doing.

"Jessie, you do know that you're making an even bigger mess as you look through each drawer right?" I asked.

He ignored my question and kept looking around each drawer as if I hadn't said a thing. I decided to take matter into my own hands and get his attention. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"Jessie. Sit." I growled in my alpha tone.

The weirdest thing happened; he didn't listen to anything I said. He wasn't obedient towards his alpha which is kind of strange. I clenched my fists to my sides and marched over towards him and tapped him on the shoulder. Once one of my fingers brushed across his shoulders he took action, he clutched me by my throat and threw me against the wall as if I weighed nothing. I was so in shock that I forgot how much stronger I was to him.

"You aren't Jessie..." I mouthed.

He stopped and cracked a smile before lowering me to the ground. He then laughed out loud and started rolling on the ground.


"Wha-... how did you do that!" I managed to yell.

"I'm half rouge duh. Your face was so priceless! Oh my gosh...whoo that just made my day." He faked wiping a tear.

"But being a rouge doesn't- you have alpha blood, don't you?" 


"And to think I was going to make you my beta." I rolled my eyes.

He paused for a moment, his laugh turned into a creepy smile instead. I swear we should enroll this boy in a acting class.

"Seriously!" He yelled and huddled me into a bear hug.

"Nah, I think you're better off like this." I said before pushing him away.

He stood there with his arms outstretched as if he was holding the world. I am going to make him my beta but not now... we still have to get some things situated.

"Like what." Tyler burst in.

He turned his gaze from me, to Jessie, to his room, and his face turned red. Tyler can be such a mother sometimes sheesh !

"Young man! You better clean up your room right now!" 

Jessie and I exchanged glances and began picking up the papers from off the floor. We tried so hard to not laugh but little chuckles escaped our mouths every now and then.

"I'm so sick and tired of these teens thinking they don't have to clean! Like come on! This may be America but your room doesn't have to look like a freaking pig sty! I swear you are going to make me go loco! That Spanish in me is going to come out some day!" He shouted before stomping out of the room.

"Is he even Spanish?" Jessie asked.

"No where close."

When we finished cleaning his room I realized I hadn't checked on Audrie since about thirty minutes ago. So I rushed back down the hall to drop in on my beautiful mate. 


Audrie's POV

Okay where could that paper be? I don't remember where I put it! Ugh I hate losing things! I was looking for the paper that had Ashten's phone number on it and I misplaced it somehow. I wanted to call him and ask him to take Faith out on a date even though he wanted to get to know me but I have a possessive mate who won't let me be near another dude unless I had to.

Just as I was thinking about him his muscular arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me close to his chest. Didn't I not just see him about thirty minutes ago? Oh well I missed my little cry baby. I placed my hands on top of his and he rested his chin at the crease of my neck.

"What are you looking for babe?" 

"Ohhh nothing just some paper." 

He paused and spun me around in his arms so that I was now face first into his bare chest.

"What paper?"

"You know, just a piece of wood." I smiled.

"A piece of wood? Okay why are you trying to avoid my question?" 

"Because..." I started.

"Because what? Audrie, you know you can tell me anything!" He raised his voice.

"Anna get in here... and bring the chair they're about to argue! Hurry up!" Tyler shouted from the doorway.

I let it go, and looked underneath Neal's humongous arm only to see my obnoxious twin eating popcorn in the doorway while watching us. Can brothers be more obnoxious then this? I mean come on I am nothing like him! I don't just butt into people's business and watch them as they argue...Do I?

Anna came seconds later looking upset about something.

"Who do you think you are rushing me like that?" She snapped.

"No one, pooh pooh bear I'm sorry..they just make me behave this way. I love you?" He cracked a smile.

"Uh-huh let's go. You need to stay out of their business!"

"You need to stay out of my business." He mumbled underneath his breath.

"What was that?" She shouted over her shoulder.


I laughed at their argument as soon as they left, our family is so dysfunctional! Ugh, what is next? Denis and Amanda arguing?

"No! No! No! You are not wearing that! This is our first appointment you are not wearing plaid! No Denis just stop!" Amanda shouted.

Wow, I'm such a psychic.

"I'm sorry! I'll change!" He yelled after her.

She was now in my room tapping her foot uncontrollably for me us to turn around and look at her. She was wearing a cute summer dress with her hair curled neatly and some pretty white flats. In her hands were a navy blue t-shirt and a white shirt that said 'I'm going to be a father!' I'm so going to pick that one!

"The white one." I laughed.

Neal looked over and saw the shirt that I chose and smiled.

"I like the white one too." 

"Oh so you think it's funny! You two need to mate and we'll see if that's funny!" She snapped before stomping out.

Neal and I exchanged glances and laughed at Amanda's outburst together. I feel like once one couple argues then so will the next two. Once Jessie and Faith find their mates boy is this house going to be full of drama! 

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