Chapter 5

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(A/N)Thank you guys so much I'm so thankful for the support you have given my story. I hope you enjoy, vote, comment, read, and thanks again I really appreciate it.

Chapter 5

Boarding the plane, all the nervousness of seeing my father rushed over me. What if he got really old and bald? Eww that would be so gross! What if he had gray hair and needed a cane to walk over to me when the plane landed? Okay, I need to stop my imagination is so unrealistic right now.

I looked at my plane voucher to see where my seat would be. I hope I don't end up sitting next to an old man whose false teeth can't stay inside his mouth. I was so busy worried about who I was sitting next to I didn't notice someone was in front of me. I bumped into him causing him to stumble backwards because he was reaching up to put his duffle bag inside the compartment above his seat. I dropped my voucher and looked up to see if the guy was okay, I knew I didn't bump into him that hard.

"Oh gosh are you okay?" I asked walking up to him as he was still on the plane floor.

"Yeah I'm fine I just find the floor more comfortable than the seats." He joked as I gave him a hand.

"Sorry about that I wasn't paying attention." 

"Clearly." The guy chuckled.

I picked up his bag that was now on the floor and stuffed it in the open compartment above the seats. Once I closed it I noticed this was my seat also, well that's just my luck. I turned back towards him hoping he wasn't one of those creepers who likes checking girls out.

"I'm Jessie." He said holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Audrie." I said shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Audrie, well hopefully we meet again someday but in a different way."

"That day might just be today, this is my seat also." I laughed.

His cheeks heated up and a smile spread across his face. Jessie was quite cute if you ask me, his eyes were a deep blue and his hair was short but the darkest black I've ever seen. He was really tall an estimation of six foot. His smile was like no other and so were his muscles; that clearly showed he's one of those "stay in the gym" type of guys. But there's nothing wrong with that he was hot.

I sat down next to him and noticed that his expression changed. He just stopped smiling and blushed the redness out of his cheeks. I looked at him curious to why he was acting like this all of a sudden. Before I could ask, the pilot began to talk over the loud speaker and made me forget what I was about to say.

"Attention passengers we will be leaving in about four minutes so sit back and relax." The pilot announced.

I took a deep breath and turned away from Jessie because eye contact just made me uncomfortable and awkward.

"So you're heading to Michigan for what a family gathering or something?" He asked.

"Something like that I'm going to visit my father for the summer." 

"That sounds awesome; I'm heading to Michigan for some family and friend issues." 

"Oh wow, I'm sorry." I said turning towards him again.

"Oh no, it's not like that we just have been having some issues with some other pa- I mean people." 

Was he just about to say pack? Of course not, I would have recognized his scent. Wait no I wouldn't. 

My eyebrow scrunched up in disbelief of what he just said. His face lay unchanged as I thought all of this through. It was too much to overwhelming so I just nodded as if I understood.

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