Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Audrie's POV

My first date with Jessie! I can't believe this, who would have thought I was starting to fall for the boy. After I hopped out the shower I had trouble finding something to wear this time I wasn't getting lucky. My room looked ten times worse than what I did at my own house, so I just sat at the foot of my bed in frustration. What am I going to do? I can't go on a date looking like this! I need help and sadly there are three girls in this house who can help me out. I never thought about using mind link since I got here so here I go.

'Anna?' I asked.

'Audrie, hey what's up?' 

' I need some help getting ready for this date.' 

'Oh yeah I've heard about your little date with Jessie and okay I'll be right up there.' 

'Thanks and would you mind asking Saige and Joy to come too? We may need some extra help.' 

'Sure, we'll right up there.' 

I quickly threw on my underwear and bra then unlocked the door for them. My hair was still wrapped in the towel so I ran into the bathroom to blow dry it and I managed to plug in the curler. I found the time to brush my teeth as I  entered the bathroom again. I walked back into my room and saw that they finally made it, it's about time!

"Oh yeah you do need help." Little red said.

It's a habit calling here little red because that right there was a rude comment!

"Ha, yeah." I faked a laugh.

She walked into my closet and started pulling out clothes; I swear I saw her nose crinkle up a couple of times. But if she needs help fixing her face I wouldn't mind putting a fist to her nose first. Anna was standing in front of me now with a look that said she was sorry about Saige's behavior a.k.a. little red. I just shrugged and she grabbed a bag and pulled me into the bathroom. Sadly the bag was full of cosmetics and I was practically fighting her so that she wouldn't dare put that stuff on my face, but eventually she won.

She sat me down on the toilet seat and worked her magic on my already beautiful face. The part I hated most was the stupid eyeliner and she freaking plucked my eyebrows! I know a couple tears were in my eyes because it hurt so badly! Her finishing touch was my lip gloss or whatever she called the crap I really don't know.

"You can open your eyes now." She said.

"Nope it's not safe yet." I objected.

"Audrie come on you look even more beautiful than before." 

I grunted and slowly opened my eyes to see a mirror in front of my face, the girl looking back at me in the mirror wasn't me. A smile spread across my face and I realized who the girl was in the mirror, it was my mother.

"Wow, you guys. Thank you so much!"

I couldn't stop smiling and Anna just gave me an approving nod as I got up from off the toilet seat and walked up to the counter. I looked exactly like my mother no wonder why every single time we went to the mall together people always looked at us curious. I stared at my reflection for a while, I kept thinking about the good times I had during the summer with my family.

"So are you ready to get dressed?" Little red said loudly as she entered the bathroom.

I turned towards her and her eyes were wider than any owl I have ever seen.

"You look hot!" She yelled.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

She took me by the hand and I saw the outfit she had picked out for me to wear. It wasn't half bad besides the short shorts and tube top she expected me to wear. I didn't know what to say, I haven't even imagined wearing that in my dreams! My dad is not going to let me wear that! Okay so here's the plan, I put it on, dad sees it, and tells me I have to change! This might be one of best plans I have ever come up with.

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