Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

'A rogue? Are you sure because if he was a rogue wouldn't his whole family be rogues too?'

'Dad are you really asking me this right now? How the heck am I suppose to know! I'm freaking out! Can you please watch your back until I get there?'

I ran on all fours towards the woods which was like a short cut to the house. I smelled Jessie's scent as I ran full speed past the first couple of trees. A stick snapping behind me made me stop in my tracks. I stopped running and saw Jessie's mate a couple of inches behind me. If I see her one more time I swear I am going to tear her throat out! She put both of her hands up before taking one step towards me. I growled warning her if she took another step it was her life on the line. She retreated but kept her hands up and stood there frozen with her eyes wide open.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for trying to killing you." She stuttered.

I just stared at her furious because she was holding me up. I turned back around and started to run again.


I stopped.

"I want to help, but if you don't trust me I understand why. I overheard that Greg dude talking about killing your father. But since he's alpha I doubt he's any threat, if I help you will you accept my apology?"

Will I accept your apology? I don't even know you chick! And you expect me to let you help me? Thanks for the offer but no thanks, you're crazy and you're right I don't trust you.

I shook my head in disagreement then I started running again. I don't even know her and I already don't like her! Poor Jess having to deal with this crazy rogue. As I got further into the woods my father's scent filled my nose along with many others. I ran faster than I ever did before and my tail was up in alert, I got a clear view of the fight between the rogues and our pack it wasn't bad. Look at it like this there were about ten rogues against over twenty of my pack members.

So not a fair fight! As I watched, a low growl coming from behind me didn't alarm me until it got louder. I turned and saw a huge black wolf with green eyes look at me deadly as if I were a piece of turkey meat; I say turkey because I'm not a fan of ham. I backed up as he came closer to me, he then arched his back as if he was going to hurl on top of me. As soon as he leapt my body froze and I closed my eyes, the pain never came and I peeked one eye open to see Jessie's wolf on top of the rogue. Thank the lord I didn't die! I should have gone to that fighting lesson instead of going to the movies with Neal.

Jessie sunk his teeth in the wolf's throat and I no longer saw movement coming from the rogue as Jessie walked towards me. He had some fur missing and a little limp but he was strong, he came closer to my frozen body and nudged me with his head towards the house. I moved back one step but he kept pushing me back.

'Go, I don't want you to get hurt.' He said.

'I'm not hurt see no marks.' 

'It's clear that you can't fight your own battles and I just don't want to see you get attacked again.' 

'That was just your luck.' I snapped.

'Audrie can you save the stubbornness for later and get inside of the house?' 

'Why? My dad is out here being attacked and you're telling me to go inside? What kind of drugs are you on?' 

'Because I want to end this myself. They are my old friends and I don't think your dad needs any help, he's killed every rogue that has taken one step towards him.' 

'How many rogues are left?' I asked.

'About five, why?'

'Because I want to help.'

I started walking towards the fight. Jessie blocked me with his dark brown fur and squinted eyes.

'You're not going!' He yelled in my mind.

'Why not?'

'Because you're going to get killed.'

I just stood there and glared at him really astonished at the moment.

'Okay fine, but I have to see my father.' 

He walked in front of me blocking me from harm as he would say. As we crept close to the fight my dad was undergoing I saw that he was unharmed and there were lifeless rogues surrounding him. I also noticed that half of our pack didn't even attend the fight, well this was a waste.

We then made our way to the front door without drawing attention to ourselves and Jessie turned back around slapping me with his stupid tail.

'Okay the slap was unnecessary.' I growled.

He just stood there on all fours staring at me once again. I leaned in closer to his face making our noses touch and I felt his breathing slow down. Being this close to him made me realize I really did like him and sooner or later I'd tell him whenever I get the chance. We stayed like that for a while until we heard a familiar howl coming from my dad. I snapped my head in that direction and prepared to run and help him but of course Jessie wasn't going to let that happen.

'Stay safe and don't get hurt.' I whispered.

'Anything for you.' 

'Okay, go get them tiger and please do anything in your power to help my dad.'

'I will I promise.' Jessie said running off to attack the wolf sneaking behind my dad's back.

The house door was cracked and I made my way in closing the door with my butt. I just stood by the closed door hearing growling, howling, ripping, and tearing. It got to the point where I almost threw up in my mouth after hearing those sounds over and over again. I backed away from the door slowly and headed up the stairs. The first room I looked into was Anna's and she was in there reading like this was just any other day. I scratched at her door and she looked up from her book and nodded her head for me to come in. I walked in slowly and sat next to her letting the questions I had for her eat me up inside.

'You should probably shift back and change into some clothes.' She suggested.


I walked outside of her room and ran the next flight of stairs nonstop. When I reached my room I relaxed and shifted back revealing my naked body. I threw on some clothes and walked back down the hall but I had to look inside of Jessie's room first. I peeked in and saw on his dresser the necklace with my initial on it. A tear escaped from my eye and I walked in to pick it up. I sat on his floor admiring my necklace until I calmed down a bit. This necklace meant so much to me; Neal bought it for my sixteenth birthday. He wrapped it in a golden necklace box with a purple ribbon on top and put the necklace on for me. I could never miss anyone as much as I miss him.

I think no I know I love him, not just as a friend but something more. With Jessie its nothing compared to Neal and I. I have to call him and tell him I need him now. Jessie was just filling up the hole of missing him but my feelings for Jessie are conditional. I got up from off of the floor and ran to my room to grab the phone. I dialed his number and on the first ring he picked up.



"Audrie are you hurt? Do you need something?"


"Okay, what do you need?"

"I need you."

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