Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Neal's POV

"You what?" I asked switching the phone to my other ear.

"I need you Neal, I need you here with me."

What! I can't believe this; my mate, who doesn't even know that we are mates, needs me. A smile spread across my face as I cut the sub in half.

"Okay, I guess your wish is my command."

"Seriously! Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see you again." She screamed through the phone.

"Yeah well, anything for you." I smiled.

She was silent for a moment and then I heard a laugh escape from her mouth. I walked in their living room with the sub in my hand and the phone in between my shoulder and cheek.

"Well, see you soon."

"Yes, you will." I agreed and hung up the phone.

I sat on couch and realized that I still had something to worry about. Tyler sat next to me and crossed his feet. He's been bored lately, so I've been over here every day since Audrie left. Tyler switched through the channels as I sat there daydreaming. I reached for one half of my sub and noticed that the other half wasn't there.

"That sub is really good we'd you get it?" Tyler questioned as he licked his fingers.

"I'm sure both sides would have been good." I said sarcastically.

"Sharing is caring." 

I ate the sub slowly, taking each bite cautiously not wanting to waste anything. At the corner of my eye I saw Tyler giving me a disgusted look as if I were doing something wrong.

"What?" I asked as I chewed.

"You eat like a cow." 

"No I don't." 

"You know what; you should eat with a mirror in front of your face so that you could see for yourself." 

"That's dumb." I stated.

"You're dumb." 

"Shut up." I sighed.

"You shut up."


"Tyler." He mocked.

"Tyler is a brainless, immature, mate less, ignorant, child." 

"Tyler is a brainless, immature, mate less- hey!" 

"I'm happy you finally came clean about being immature and ignorant." I chuckled as I walked back into the kitchen.

I put the paper that the sub was in inside of the trash and made my way up the stairs. I walked past Denis's room and heard Amanda giggle, knowing Denis he didn't say anything funny so they must be you know. I quickly kept walking until I was in Faith's doorway and she was trying to dance to a song that didn't even match the rhythm of her footwork.

"Faith, what are you doing?" I hollered, clearly getting her attention.

She stopped as she was about to pop her butt. She slowly turned around and I saw her face heat up in embarrassment. I tried so hard holding back a laugh but it wasn't working out very well. She bit her lip and walked over to her stereo to turn off the hip hop music she had blasting the speakers.

"Just pretend you never saw that." 

"Sorry, you just scarred me for life, I don't think forgetting what I just saw is possible."

She smacked her teeth and sat on the foot of her bed. I walked in and sat in front of her, wanting to know why she was trying to dance even though she couldn't.

"I'm never going to win this." She pouted.

"What are you talking about?"

"See, I signed up for the Dance-o-thon at the amusement park this year, and I want to win but my dancing is horrible as you can see." 

"Well if you had a partner to teach you so moves, I bet you would have a chance at winning."

"But that's the problem I don't have a partner who knows how to dance." She whined.

"Wow, I guess you might just be helpless then." I snorted.

"Gee thanks Neal that made me feel a whole lot better."

"I was kidding! I can help you win this Dance-o-thingy."

"Pssh, yeah and Tyler can beat box." She laughed.

I got up from off of the floor and stood in front of her for a brief second. She just looked down at her hands and back up at me. This was my chance to show her my moves, I moon walked then glided towards the door as I pop and locked. I was now in her doorway again and sent her a smile then disappeared back down the hall.

"Neal wait!" She hollered.

I jogged backwards and headed back to her door.

"Yes Faith?"

"You're an amazing dancer! Can you please be my partner?" 

"Hmm, I might have to think about this." I joked.

She stood in front of me poking out her lip and hopping up in down like a little kid.

"Okay okay fine, just don't ever do that again!" 

She hugged me so tight I think my lungs were going to pop like balloons. I pushed her from off of me and inhaled deeply. She just smiled and ran back to her stereo seeking for a new song to put on.

"We are going to practice tomorrow!" I called.


"You'll see!" I yelled before running into Tyler.

I pushed him until we were inside of his room; he looked at me wide eyed for a couple of minutes then took matter into his own hands to ask me what I was doing.

"Get dressed." I ordered.

"For what?" 

"We're going out for some dancing." 

I waited downstairs impatiently for Tyler; this dude can be such a girl! It doesn't even take Audrie - scratch that Audrie takes forever just to get to the park. But he knows that patience and I do not get along so if he doesn't hurry up I am going to leave him. He came running downstairs with his shoes in his hand and his hair wet.

"Your hair is wet."

"No duh." He pointed out.

I opened the door and pulled my car keys out so that I wouldn't have to find them in this weather. I walked out into the cool sprinkled rain and hopped inside of the car turning on the ignition. Tyler must have noticed it was raining and went to grab a jacket, I turned on the radio and surprisedly 'Wild Ones' was on so I nodded my head to the music and drummed my finger tips on the steering wheel. Finally the passenger door opened and I was happier than ever, I backed out of the driveway and headed towards Xavier's house. He has a party every Friday night and this was my fifth time going. What can I say I like to party.

About ten minutes passed and Tyler was silent the whole time. I don't mind silence but since its coming from Tyler that abnormal.

" So you excited or what?" I asked.

He just glanced up at me and shrugged his shouldes. His hair was messy but at least it was dry and his navy blue jacket was wetter than intended. This is really going to be an interesting night, hopefully Tyler meets some girls along the way, he really does need it.

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