"No way," I smiled in disbelief and a very dark feeling started sailing through me.

"Yes, you have problems with him so you should go."

I nodded and said goodbye to my friends.

I admit it was a big pain for me when I told Lucinda about my feelings and I felt her rejection. From there a very dark feeling has been chasing my body. I'm angry with myself but that anger is transferred to all that is around me. Two days since I talked to her and I don't know about her state. I didn't attend to the classes we share because she needs her own space and I needed the same.

I knew from the moment Bob hurt Lucy I would get my revenge. I held my violent and dark impulses because this is a circle and now finally it's time. I'll pay him but I will also leave a memory, a mark.

All this anger, sadness and rejection are transformed into a big dark hole and is willing to do everything disappear. It is not the best way but I handled it well. I guess I can be nice when I want but if I really want, I can be a villain.

I'm just doing this for Lucy, because I can clearly remember her wounds, her face and they way she looked so weak that day. I had never felt so hurt like that day, I felt her pain, her confusion, and my mind was very cloudy. Since there I already had feelings for her, I wanted her when I carried her in my arms, when I put her in the car, when I drove to my dad's flat, all the time I always wanted her.

I'm just going to do justice because those bastards hurt an innocent and I know what they do with the girls that worked there.

The fire begins to grow inside me when I spotted my destination. I closed the car door and I let my body absorb my negative thoughts. I drained the bad part of wanting Lucy, which basically was that she could not feel the same or the fact that she might have feelings for someone else or the rejection that I can get from her. Rejection is the most painful part because her rejection is what I fear the most.

They already know me here so I don't have to show my ID. I go through the place and suddenly I feel back in the day when they hurt Lucy. That's exactly what I need, feed myself with that bad memory and pretend that she is still here.

I have a great idea. I headed to the bar and sat down. A very pretty red-haired girl smiled at me and I did the same.

"I want a cuban mojito," I said and she nodded.

I pretended to use my phone while waiting for the drink, the mojito glasses were big and I had an idea about that.

After a few minutes the girl handed me the mojito and I winked at her as I paid her.

"You look too young to be here," the girl spoke.

"Really?" I smiled and I needed to distract her. "That's not what they say here, baby."

"Hm, I see," she rested her arms on the bar and her clothes were too flashy and attractive. Basically she is dressed as a prostitute like every girl in this club.

"It's good," I said and put the glass to one side. "You're not so bad."

"You have beautiful eyes," she smiled.

"You also have a couple of beautiful things," I twisted a smile and my eyes went down to her tits.

I rested my arms on the table and the position of my arm was a little above the glass. The redhead looked at me and I leaned toward her. I moved my arm and pushed the glass. The glass broke on the floor and that's exactly what I need.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I pretended to be embarrassed and ashamed and bent down in front of the broken glass.

The girl has to clean this up so I have a few seconds. I picked medium sized glasses and a thick piece and I put it in my pocket. I looked up and the redhead is walking toward me. I'm sure she wants to continue the conversation so I grabbed a small glass and I made a little cut in my finger.

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