"Get out and I won't tell anyone about this."

The boy stepped back at my threat but didn't leave.

"Go away, I'm serious!"

The boy left the hall and Eric was very upset with me.

"What's wrong with you?" He snapped.

"This is not a place for you to come to sell your-your drugs," I said looking at his hand.

"Thanks for ruining it, squirrel."

"Don't call me like that," I whispered and crouched. "You have no right."

"You have no right," he imitated my voice.  "Well, little girl, I have to go."

"Little girl? We have the same age," I squinted at him.

"I don't think your braid is helping you," Eric said and I quickly undid my braid. "There is something else in your face, wait, it's your glasses."

But what an idiot.

I threw one of the books to him and the object collided on his shoulder.

"What the hell? Since when you throw books? "Eric asked as one hand rubbed the area attacked.

"You deserved it," I mumbled and sat on the floor.

"Someone's in a bad mood. I know exactly what you need, a good make out session, come here, Lucy, "Eric spoke mockingly and my cheeks flushed.

Eric's attitude is so unbearable today. I threw another book to him and he ducked.

"You're a beast today, I like it."

I rolled my eyes and I kept on the shelf one of the books I brought.

"You're unbearable today. Who are you, Eric? "I sighed.

"I'm still the same sarcastic asshole, I thought you liked me, squirrel," he smirked and I looked at the books on the floor.

"I thought you were my friend," I repeated the confession that always flies through my mind. I really thought he was my friend.

"Sorry to disappoint you. How's Styles? "

"You're obsessed with him and Harry doesn’t even care about you," I shook my head and Eric gave me the two books that I threw to him.

"Just wanted to put you against Harry, you know?" The blonde boy confessed and I nodded blankly. "I'm sure it would hurt him."

"I still don't understand why, you lost your time with me because Harry doesn't care about me."

Eric's hands appear in my vision and now he is helping me put the books on the shelf.

"That's where you're wrong, squirrel. Harry was always there, like a psycho or a pain in the ass. Maybe he likes you but he has more cock than brain. "

"I don't know what you mean," I shook my head and got up. "Besides I'm not his type."

"He doesn't have a type and I know because I was his friend."

I went in search of more books and I could hear Eric's footsteps behind me. I walked into the philosophy section and Eric helped me.

"I do have a type, and no offense. Harry is more accessible to everything. Name it and he has done it. "

I sighed and ignored his words. I didn't want to talk about this, I was not his type, he doesn't care about me and that's the end of the story.

"You should believe more in yourself, I thought I had helped you with that. You're not a bad salsa dancer; you're sexy when you do that. Maybe you should dance salsa to Harry," Eric smiled and I blushed. "Exactly, and if we remove this," he grabbed my glasses and put them on. "Oh my god, you're blind!"

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