He noticed the scarf that was covering half of Roxanne's face looked familiar. He saw the large yellow patch.

No, he did not just knit her a scarf. She must think he's such a loser.

"Maxie! Max, she's here!" Goofy said smiling.

"I can see that," Max said, embarrassed. Sylvia opened the front seat of the car and helped Roxanne in.

"Hi, Max." She said softly. She was pale, her eyes lined by a faint purple color. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, Roxanne. How are you feeling though? Everything good?" He asked, concerned. She looked tired.

She nodded. "I keep having dreams. Nightmares."

She stopped talking as Sylvia and Goofy made their way into the backseat of the car.

"I'm glad we were able to pass by the reporters undetected." Sylvia said.

"Yeah, it's been a mess for all of us at school." Max said, his eyes still focused on Roxanne. He reached over and gave her hand a light squeeze before turning the car back on.

"Well hopefully you all learned a valuable lesson." Sylvia lectured. "You cannot be running around doing anything crazy."

"We were curious, that's all." Roxanne said, to Max's surprise. She was smiling.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Sylvia said, crossing her arms.

"But we were able to help in catching most of the bandits." Max said. "They've been wanted for months!"

"Yes, but some got away, didn't they? We have to be very careful they don't come back." Sylvia said. Max felt his stomach turn.

It was something he thought about everyday. The Ghouls had seen him, seen all of them. They knew they were college kids. And their leader was still out there somewhere, safe. Hopefully, that would be the end of that.

They pulled up to Roxanne's place without another word about that night. They were all still on edge about what happened.

Stacey and Bobby were waiting at the porch, Stacey holding a dark blue blanket. She walked up to Roxanne and hugged her tight, folding the blanket over her.

"I'm so glad you're home." she whispered. "Come, I made some soup."

"Why does everyone only make soup? What about pizza? What about nachos?" Bobby said, following them inside. He turned to look at Max, who had stopped walking.

"You're not coming in?" Bobby asked.

"I have to meet someone soon." Max said. "And I'm borrowing the car."

"Oh, that's right. Mona huh?" Goofy said, a little deflated. "When will you be back?"

Max felt Roxanne's eyes on him. He couldn't look at her.

"It's just dinner, so I'll be back before bedtime." Max said, wanting to disappear. Why did he feel so guilty?

Mona couldn't help but feel jealous. Why did she still feel this way? Hadn't she won? Max was sitting with her, having dinner with her, so why did it feel like she had still lost?

"Nice place you have here," Max said, looking around her small dorm. They were eating takeout on her bed, a movie playing on the tv in the corner. She had invited him over to her dorm, since Max wasn't in the mood to be out in public. They had ordered Chinese, and were watching a scary movie about an evil doll.

"Thanks," she said, mixing the vegetables around in her bowl. "I never wanted to join a club."

"Why not? It's fun." Max said, taking a bite of his spring roll.

"Not everyone thinks it's fun to live with so many people. I like my privacy." she said.

"That's why I only live with Peej and Bobby." Max said. "Next year though we are going to allow more members, and really turn it into a frat."

"Good luck with that." she said. "Aren't you going to try to get your masters?"

"I'm thinking about it, but I don't think I'll be living in the house though. I would like to get my own apartment, without the guys." Max said. She was surprised. Max alone?

"Maybe I could move in?" she teased, nudging him in the ribs. He laughed.

"Perhaps." was all he said.

They finished their food in silence. The rain outside began again, so she got up and closed her window. She noticed Max wasn't focused on her, nor on the movie. He was just staring at the tv, his eyes taking longer than usual to blink.

"Is something on your mind?" she asked, laying down next to him. His skin was so warm. She wanted to touch him.

He looked down at her, taking his time to respond. "I'm just thinking about the Ghouls."

"Ugh, why?" she moaned, annoyed. He brought this up every single time they were together. "This isn't healthy you know."

"I just get worried," he said frustrated. "You're telling me they won't come looking for us? We got half of their numbers arrested!"

She grabbed his face and made her look at him.

"It's going to be fine. The police are on it, okay?" she said firmly. He sighed.

Mona looked up at the face she had always admired. Max was with her now, not Roxanne. He was hers forever and ever, and now all she had to do was hold him. Make it official.

"Do you want to be with me, Max?" she asked, feeling her cheeks turn red.

Max blinked back in surprise.

She knew she had to do this, she had waited so many years for him. She kissed him gently on the lips and withdrew.

"I asked you, if you wanted me." she said, a little louder. She began to unbutton her shirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. Max gulped.

"Yeah, okay." he said, his face red.

"Am I your girlfriend then?" she asked him. "I don't do this with just anybody."

Max shook his head. "Huh? What? Mona we just met-"

She threw herself on top of him. He was going to be hers by the end of the night. 

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