"Is not your problem!" She yelled and it always surprises me every time she raises her voice. "Stop chasing me."

 I'm not chasing, maybe I've watched a couple of times but I refuse to admit it, plus those are not my intentions.

"Gemma told me you've been asking for me and that you spied us when we were in boxing classes...What's wrong with you Harry? Leave me alone! "

Her neck catches my attention because there is a mole I have never seen, my eyes focused on her collarbone where there also is another cute mole I've never seen. What? Eyes up, Styles!

"I was just trying to protect you!" I blurted out suddenly.

 I'd rather not talk about what she said about me and spying Lucy in the same sentence.

"When you had your chance you didn't do it," she replied before her little hands push my body. Her strength is not enough but still I step back, not by her push but for her words.

"I know I didn't but now I'm trying to help!"

Lucy shook her head and rubbed her hands over her face.

"Gemma told me that and Eric told me that you and Emily forced him to say the truth, why don't you just leave me alone?" She sighed. "I don't need you to take care of things for me, neither you nor Emily."

"I didn't do that, he is lying, you have to believe me," I furrowed my eyebrows. "Plus you'll end up hurt if you keep wasting your time with Cameron. He's dangerous; it's not hard to understand, Lucy."

"I don't think anyone can hurt me the way you did," a sad smile appeared on her face and then she pushed me, again and again. God, she's angry.

"Stop hitting me!" I grabbed her wrists and her eyes met mine, she still has the same brightness I've seen since the first time I met her.

"Stop chasing me!" She growled with flushed cheeks and I can see something in her eyes, I think she's going to cry. "Leave me alone and-and go back to your precious Emily because that's where you belong!"

I wanted to say something but the words are hanging in the air. Lucy turned around and made ​​her way back to the bar. She looked at me once more before walking in and I stood there thinking about what happened and about her.




"Happy Birthday Sheldon!" I said as soon as I see him. I gave him a big hug and he pretends to cough as if I were choking him.

"Thank you, Lucinda Fray."

"Here's your present, hope you like it," I handed to him the gift and he just smiled.

I greeted the other boys with a kiss on the cheek and stood next to Marcel.

"You are late and you're the last one. We were tired of waiting but finally we are all here. "

"What about Mandy?" I asked looking at the others.

"Mandy Edwards has left this group."

"What? You can't decide that, "I shook my head.

"Mandy Edwards has decided to follow her basic instincts and chose what we all call 'love' above her true friends, what a shame," Sheldon faked a heavy sigh.

"We called her but she said she had something to do with her boyfriend Ryan," Leonard shrugged.

"Oh, I see."

"Are we ready?!?" We responded with a big 'yes' in unison toward Marcel and then we headed to Leonard's car.

"For a moment I thought you were gonna leave us too, Lucinda Fray."

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