Trying to Breathe

Start from the beginning

Harry nods, wincing a little as Poppy injects an IV. "Alright, James is just running out to get the stretcher, do you think you'll be able to walk, Harry?" Harry nods, reaching out for Louis. "I'm right here baby, I'll be by your side the entire time, yeah?" He helps Harry stand, the younger boy shaking as they slowly walk over to where James has the stretcher. "We'll follow you guys down to the hospital." Niall mumbles as gently taps Louis' shoulder. "Yea-yep." Louis rushes, helping Harry on to the stretcher. "Alright boys, follow me." James says, pushing Harry out as he lay on the stretcher. "I can ride with him right?" James nods. "You'll just have to sit up front with me, Poppy'll need room." Louis nods. "I'm just sitting up front, baby. I'll still be there, I love you." Harry gives him a look as if to say, 'I love you too.' He moves to the front as James jumps in the drivers seat.

Poppy and Harry sit in the back as he jumps in, and they're off. "Ok Harry, that second shot of adrenaline seems to be doing the trick. How're you feeling?" Harry shrugs, his throat hurts and it stills feels swollen. "My throat still hurts." He rasps, coughing a little after. "Ok, but you don't have any other pain? No nausea?" He shakes his head, muttering about feeling a little lightheaded. "Alright then, if you just lay back for me, laying down should help with that." Harry nods, doing so. The oxygen masks starting to aggravate him a little.

"Can I take this off now?" He asks, pointing to the oxygen mask. "Not yet, love. We'll get a doctor to have a look and then get their opinion." Harry nods, sighing heavily as he hears James tell Poppy that they're just pulling in.

They eventually get Harry into a bay in A&E, Louis standing at his side. "How are you feeling now Mr Styles?" A nurse asks, removing the mask and putting a nasal cannula in. "Better, I'm still a little itchy, but apart from that I think I'm pretty good." The nurse nods, telling them that Harry will be kept overnight for observation. "Ni just texted me, they're waiting to come see you." Harry nods tiredly, his eyes slipping shut for a few second before they flutter back open.

"Hello Mr Styles, I understand you ingested some walnuts nuts?" Harry nods, sitting up and telling the doctor what had happened.

"I gather you've been told that we're keeping you over night?" Harry and Louis nod, thanking the doctor as he leaves. "Lou," Harry gags, holding a fist to his mouth. Louis' eyes widen, he and quickly grabs one of the vomit bags, shoving it under Harry's chin as he spills whatever food was in his stomach into the bag. "It's ok baby, just let it all out." The doctor comes rushing back in.

He waits until Harry's finished, then sets him up with a saline IV. "We'll give you some fluids, I would give you something for the nausea, but I'm thinking it's just your body getting trying to get the little bit that you are, out." Harry nods, laying back. "I'll come back and check on you soon. Then they'll take you up." Harry nods, rolling on his side and wrapping his arms around his stomach. "Will you rub my belly? You do it the best." Harry mumbles, a pout on his lips as he looks up at Louis sadly.

"Of course, sweet boy."

He gently starts to rub his boyfriends stomach in soothing circles, the younger boy mumbling a small thank you. "You ok, love? You're lips are looking a little blue? You're not cold?" Harry shakes his head, sitting up, and immediately grabbing the bat on the side of his bed as the room spins. "Lou... 'M really dizzy." He mumbles, making Louis panic. He calls for help, standing and rushing to the door.

"Help! M-my boyfriend needs help!"

Doctors and nurses come running, rushing into the room and asking what happened as they lay him down and strap more things to his body.

"He said his stomach was hurting so he laid down after the nurse came in and then I started rubbing his stomach, when he sat up he said he felt dizzy." The doctor nods.

"I need another dose of adrenaline, he's going into anaphylactic shock again. Harry, how are you feeling?" Harry furrows his brow, looking at the doctor. "Don' even know you." He mumbles, looking around for Louis. He starts to panic when he can't see him. "I want my boyfriend! Where is he?"

Louis quickly moves to his bedside. "You're ok sweets, they're just making sure you're ok. You're a bit ill at the moment and they want you to get better, but the only way that can happen is if you let them help you." Harry nods, letting the doctors do whatever.

Fifteen minutes later, Harry is asleep on the bed and thankfully feeling much better.

"We're taking him up now love, if you'd like to follow us." Louis nods, moving to wake Harry up so he doesn't freak when he wakes up in a different room. "Love, this nice nurse is gunna take you up to a ward and you're gunna stay the night. I'll stay with you for a bit, but I'll have to go soon." Harry nods sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

Soon they're up there, and Harry close to sleep again. "Let me check your vitals again, love, then you can sleep." Harry nods, sleepily watching Louis. "Once you're asleep, I'll go home... and I think the boys wanted to come in tomorrow and check how you're doing." Harry nods, smiling as Louis kisses him.

He falls to sleep a few minutes later, and Louis leaves with a kiss to Harry's forehead.

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