Louis tummyache

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Okay this is a request I got so here ya go, and it's a little early too btw. ;)


Louis p.o.v.

Pepperoni never agrees with my stomach. I knew that. Of course I knew that. I'd known that for a long time.

But, Harry wanted pepperoni pizza and I didn't feel like asking for a half and half, and I'm so ridiculously whipped that I just ate the damn pepperoni.

Well that decision has come back to effectively bite me in the ass. Harry and I are cuddled up on the couch watching God Is Not Dead, and my stomach and currently being a bitch.

At first it was manageable. Just a dull ache and a full feeling, but then it started churning and gurgling (quietly thank god), and now I was queasy.

I was trying my best not to fidget, but I was getting really uncomfortable, so I just shifted every once in a while, hoping Harry wouldn't notice.

"You okay?" he whispered in my ear, making me jump.

"Fuck Harry you scared me shitless," I moaned, partially because he noticed, and partially because my fucking stomach is killing me.

"Sorry," he said, not even bothering to make me answer his question.

"It's okay," I whispered back, kissing his cheek, then turning my attention back to the movie.

See, I don't want Harry to know my stomach hurts because then he'll ask why and then he'll feel bad and think it's his fault.

"Boo what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said exasperatedly.

"Come on lou," he pleaded.

Then a particularly large cramp surged through my tummy, causing it to gurgle loudly, as I felt tears come to his eyes. I wrapped my arms around my stomach until the ache went away, then I looked up at Harry, who was raising his eyebrow at me.

"Louis what's going on?" he sighed.

"My tummy hurts," I whimpered, not even caring anymore, just wanting my boyfriends arms around me.

"I'm sorry hun, c'mere, lay down," he said softly, patting his lap.

I scooted myself into his lap and laid down, curling up to his warm body a little bit to try and ease my churning stomach.

"Your warm," I mumbled sleepily.

"What happened?" he asked. I figured there was no use lying now.

"Pepperoni always gives me an upset stomach," I said, looking down.

"Louis! Why the hell didn't you tell me, I would've eaten something else," he said indignantly.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"You are something else, you know that," he laughed.

I started to laugh too but then my stomach gurgled loudly again and I curled into a tighter ball around Harry.

"Oh babe that didn't sound good," he said softly.

"Mmm," I moaned.

"Here lay flat for me, I'll help ya," he instructed. I groaned but flattened out on his lap, squirming at the lack of pressure on my stomach.

Then Harry pulled my shirt up to my chest any laid his hands on my upset tummy. Immediately, the warmth of his hands made me feel better. Then he started rubbing it in gentle circles.

"Is that better?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, closing my eyes as my tummy gurgled again.

"You sure?" he asked

"Yeah I'm sure," I mumbled quietly.

My stomach continued to groan and gurgle for a while until Harry's warm hands finally soothed it enough to calm down a little.

"Your tummy feeling okay now?" he asked.

"Yeah a bit," I slurred from tiredness.

"Go to sleep lou," he whispered, leaning down and kissing me on the lips.

I kissed back for just a second until he pulled back and I relaxed against him, already feeling very sleepy.


Ta-da! I thought that one was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

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