Ice skating

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Okay here's another request. Its like the night changes video. Larry goes ice skating and try a trick and one of them gets hurt.

Side note: I have not decided which story to write yet because I have a three way tie so I'm waiting to see if anyone else will comment. PLEASE GO COMMENT ON MY LAST CHAPTER IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY.


Louis pov

"Babe I'm horrible at this," I warned Harry as I stepped precariously onto the ice.

"It's gonna be fine lou," he assured me for like the ten millionth time.

See, I don't have very good balance, and I'm not all that coordinated, so ice skating is not one of my talents. Harry, despite his awkward long legs, is very good at it. Not sure how that worked out.

"Oh shit, haz," I cursed, flailing my arms to try and stay vertical.

"I gotcha, its okay," he said, grabbing both of my hands as he came to stand in front of me.

"I don't wanna fall," I whined pathetically.

"I won't let you fall Louis, just trust me," he laughed.

He skated over to stand beside me and then held out one arm towards me. I grabbed onto his wrist and let him kinda pull me along.

We managed to skate around the whole rink once without me falling. I was honestly extremely surprised. I had one close call that ended with me death gripping Harry's jacket, but other than that...

"See this isn't so bad," he said once we'd skated around for a while. I could tell we were going a little faster. I felt like I was getting the hang of it.

"Yeah yeah your right," I agreed, looking over at him and smiling.

"Think you can skate on your own now?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered, somewhat nervously.

I let go of his arm, and we both stopped skating. i stood still for a minute, just to get oriented, then took a few tentative steps.

If I held my arms up in front of me, I felt like I had good enough balance, so I started skating a little bit. It wasn't really any different than when i was holding onto Harry.

"See you got this," Harry said, starting to pick up speed.

I sped up to match his pace, staying right beside him. I wobbled a little bit on one of the curves, but other than that I still felt alright.

We went around a few more times, going a little faster each lap. Once I got comfortable enough, we even scooted away from the railing (which id been grabbing periodically to steady myself).

"You wanna race?" I asked, my competitive nature taking over.

"Sure," he answered, smirking at me as if he knew he was going to win. Which he probably was in all honesty. Not that I'd ever let him hear me say that.

"Ready set go!" Harry started us.

We both took off down the straight away. Him, with good form, me flailing around and trying not to fall on my ass. I didn't fall, but I didn't win either.

"Ha I win!" He yelled, laughing as he threw his hands up in the air, slowing to a coast.

"Yeah yeah congrats babe," I said sarcastically, patting him on the back.

"Come here," he said suddenly, just staring at me.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly, confused as to what he wanted me to do.

"Just get over here," he said, holding his arms out.

So I skated a little closer to him. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush up against him. Then he kissed me, hard on the mouth.

I was surprised for a second, then kissed back once I figured out what was going on. His lips were cold, but it still sent sparks running through my body.

He pulled back, giving me the biggest smile ever. I'm not sure what he's getting at, but I have a bad feeling. He blinked slowly, just looking at me.

"I have an idea," he finally said.

"Oh no," I laughed, kissing him again.

"No it'll be okay, just grab my hands," he instructed.

I raised my eyebrow at him suspiciously, but did as he said. Then I waited to see what was going on.

"Okay now turn your feet that way," he said, turning his. I mirrored what he did with his skates.

"Like that?" I asked.

"Other way," he said.

I rolled my eyes at his vague directions, but none the less turned my skates to point the opposite way of his.

"Here we go," he said. Then he started to skate in a circle, pulling me with him. And it worked, we were going in circles, but somehow staring right at eachother.

We both laughed and leaned back, feeling like little kids. Something about this made me really happy.

Then I felt my skate slip. I panicked, shuffling around to try and regain my balance. Then I felt myself going down, still gripping Harry's hands.

And then we fell. It all happened really fast. I was really disoriented for a second, them managed to sit up dizzily. I blinked a few times before it registered that Harry was laying on the ground next to me.

"Are you okay?" Someone was asking, as my shoulder was being shaken.

"I, slfownf" I tried to talk, but nothing really came out of my mouth but gibberish.

That's all I really remember. when I woke up, I was sitting in a hard plastic chair outside of an ambulance. My head was pounding.

I pried my eyes open to see Harry sitting in a chair across from me, his arm in a sling. I blinked a few more times to clear my eyes. What happened?

"You hit your head pretty hard but theirs no damage so your gonna be fine other than a headache," someone said, patting my shoulder.

'I'm sorry' Harry mouthed at me.

Then I remembered. We were spinning and then I fell. Crap this is my fault we got hurt.

I shook my head. "I fell," I said, trying to prove that it wasn't his fault.

"My idea," he said, wincing as he lady finished tying up his sling.

"Wear that for today and then you should be fine," she said.

"Thank you," Harry and I both answered as we stood up and walked back to the car.

"Well that didn't work out as well as I planned," he signed.

"That's okay, we had a nice kiss," i shrugged.

"I love you," he said.

"Love you too," I answered.


Well there you go.

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