Larry chapter 3

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Here's the next one. I'll try to make this one a little longer but no promises.


Harrys pov

I would like to say that I didn't start crying as soon as Louis left to go record, but I cant. I felt a little embarrassed, even with these boys who are practically my brothers.

"Oh haz," Niall noticed first, wrapping his other arm around me and pulling me close to him.

I felt another hand rubbing my back, probably Zayn. I sniffed and squeezed my eyes shut tight, trying to drown out the world.

Truthfully, the reason Id been being so angry and snarky towards Louis is because I knew that if I didn't this would happen. And of course the minute I stop, the tears fall.

Niall released me from the hug, keeping an arm around my shoulders. Liam and Zayn were both crouched in front of me, giving me sympathetic looks.

"I, uh, forgot my phone," Louis suddenly reappeared in the room. He quickly crossed the room, grabbing his phone off of the couch.

I stared down at the floor, my face burning as I felt his eyes land on me. I know I look like I've been crying.

"Harry," he whispered softly.

I bit my lip as more tears spilled over onto my cheeks. His voice... I love that voice so much.

"I think you should leave Louis," Zayn said curtly, placing a hand on my knee.

"Don't cry over me love, Im not worth it," Louis said, looking me straight in the eye as tears fell down his cheeks also.

Then he turned and fled out of the room. I heard a strangled sob from the hallway. Oh, I hate it when my boy cries.

"Why the fuck is he crying?" Niall spat after a few seconds.

"Yeah he's just an asshole," Zayn agreed.

"I feel bad," I whispered.

"No, don't say that Harry. He doesn't deserve your pity," Niall shook his head firmly.

"What a douche, making you feel bad," Zayn growled.

"Maybe he got hacked," Liam said suddenly.

Everyone was quiet for a minute. Zayn turned to glare at Liam, obviously not believing him.

"Well, I mean, think about it guys, we know Louis. You can't honestly think he'd say something like that can you?" Liam defended his point.

"Great, you're on his side," Niall scoffed.

"He's been lying to you Liam," Zayn backed Niall up.

"I'm gonna go out for a while," Liam sighed, standing up and walking outside without another word.

I want to believe him, but the boys are right. Louis was probably just lying to him. How could someone even hack Louis's twitter. Modest put extra security on ours.

"Don't worry about him haz, were on your side," Zayn sighed after a minute of silence.

"I know," I whispered, wiping the tears off of my cheeks.

"He's right though, don't cry over him," Niall supplied.

"I love him though," I said quietly. He may be an ass, and we may not be together in a few days, but for now, I still love him.

"I know you do," Zayn sighed as if wishing I didn't love him.

"I hope you guys don't break up because of this," Niall said solemnly.

"You two are perfect," Zayn agreed.

"You think he wants to?" I asked, suddenly understanding why he said what he said. As an excuse to get out of this relationship.

"I honestly don't know hazza," Niall shrugged.

"Let's hope not," I whispered, my voice cracking against my will. I cant even fathom life without Louis as my boyfriend.

It's been so long since I had to experience that. We've been together for over four years now. Why are things going downhill now, all of a sudden?

"We need some music," Zayn changed the subject. He pulled out his phone and started playing some 80's song I didn't know. He set his phone on the table, amplifying its sound.

I sank back against Niall's arm, leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes and zoning out everything but the music. I don't even know if Zayn and Niall were talking.

This cannot be happening. I thought Louis and I were fine. Why does he want to break up with me? And why do it like this? He could've been a little nicer about it.

And why is he crying? Maybe he really did get hacked. Why wouldn't he tell me that then? I don't even know what to think anymore.

Maybe he has some reason to break up with me but he still loves me. I bet that's it. What would the reason be though?

Stop thinking about it Harry. Just let it happen. Maybe things will work themselves out.


Ugh that was actually shorter than the last chapter Im pretty sure.

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