I love you

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So this is probably gonna be really sort because theirs not much to this fic.

It's the video where Louis says I love you and harry says I love you too and then louis turns into a giggly smiley mess and it's adorable. You know the one.


Louis pov

I've never said it.

It being "I love you".

I do love him though.

I knew that a long time ago.

I just can't say it.

I don't know why.

Niall says Harry should say it first since he's the one that asked me out, but I don't think it works like that.

He slung his arm around my shoulder. Harry, that is.

He does that a lot.

And I kind of love it.

Like a lot.

He reached over with his other hand and poked my side, making me jump and squirm. I smacked his arm playfully.

I love messing around like this. Especially when we're on camera. I looked over at him to find him staring straight back at me.

He smiled that adorable smile of his and I smiled back. Then before I could think about it, it slipped out of my mouth.

"I love you," I mumbled.

He heard me though.

His face lit up.

"I love you too," he murmured back.

I felt myself grinning, and put my hand over my mouth.

Id get in trouble if they saw.

Or heard.

I glanced over at the boys.

No one had heard or seen the exchange.

So I went back to smiling.

Harry grinned at me, making me laugh girlishly into my hand.

Damnit why do I laugh like a girl?

Harry just looked at me fondly.

I rolled my eyes, but continued smiling and giggling for the rest of the interview.

Four years later, I've never forgotten that interview. I've never forgotten what it was like to be allowed to interact in public. To have a life.

But, we're getting close. We may be allowed to come out soon. It's hard though, waiting.

So I hang on to memories like these, and I wait and hope and pray. Because that's all I can do.

I just hope the day comes soon because my patience is failing, though my love is getting stronger. I don't know how much longer harry and I can take it.

So hard.


Wow that was like two pages

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