(168) Can't have it all

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Hello, I cannot find the person who requested this piece but if its you please comment below so I can credit you! Dream-walker AU. Didn't mean to make this how I did, I'm cruel.

Side note; thanks for all the support following my last upload and announcement of branching off to other fandoms eventually, I love ya.

Jack is born with an extra ordinary gift one which very few people would ever believe him about (instead hes just known as the boy who dreams strange things) but the truth is, he is one in a million. There are some people who are put on this planet to do extra ordinary things, protecting people or even walking in others dreams. Jack is like the tooth fairy without all the teeth. Okay no, he just appears in peoples dreams to give them messages or heed a warning. It means he never does get a full nights rest but the job is sort of rewarding and he can say hes had (been in) the weirdest of dreams and met people from all over the world even if the people he meets don't always remember him, as long as they remember his words - Jack thinks, it doesn't matter.

But Jack remembers all of them, each face young and old, and it haunts him sometimes when his warnings are full of distress. He doesn't know how it happens or even why but each night he gets assigned a person somewhere needing something and the words flow from his mouth as if he has some script written somewhere - but he never does. And the dream is always out of his control, good or bad its pretty annoying how hes just placed in a world or situation he has no control as to what happens in but he hopes that his words cling to whatever person he meets during the day - or helps them somehow. It feels a little powerless sometimes as he wishes to meet the same person twice but its so rare he gets the chance too.

Well, until it isn't.


Jacks used to seeing the same type of dream over and over again, especially the more common ones like people falling from high places (those always scare him too), seeing people being chased and Jack telling them to just face it. But one night Jack tumbles into a dream head first, landing in some snow - next to a raven haired man grasping onto some flowers as if it offered a lifeline standing beside a grave. Jacks familiar with these dreams; people unable to say goodbye to someone in their lives and being forced to in their dreams.

Jack watches on as the raven haired man perhaps the same age as Jack; who cries openly and honestly. Then his feet betray him as the clear snow crunches slightly under them, drawing the attention of the man as he turns around and he looks like a deer caught in bright headlights but Jack mimics the expression because normally people's appearances don't shock him so much but hell, this man is a little breathtaking. Although Jack knows he remembers each person he meets, he thinks he'll remember this particular mans face more than the rest.

Stormful eyes holding too many kept inside emotions, cheeks a dusting of red due to him crying; expression confused and weary of the unknown man in his dream.

"Who are you?" The mans voice is deep, comforting and echoing.

"Who I am isn't important. I'm here to tell you to let go and to not always follow the path you are put on." Jack says with his whole chest; deep and meaningful and for once the words don't feel like they've come out of nowhere. The man bows his head at the words.

"I can't." He utters offering a glance back at the grave.

"You will learn too. These thorns will stick to you but the pain will ease." Then the man is reaching out to him, dropping the flowers he was grasping. And Jack, he reaches back. Their hands brush briefly, and then he has that sick feeling of everything fading and he doesn't want to let go but this is what happens when the person awakes; they fade like some memory being stolen from Jack himself and it never feels any easier each time it happens - but sometimes he wishes he had more time with others.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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