(156) Protector and Protected.

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Request from Kayy626, Heres a lil' model x Bodyguard AU for ya! Reminder, that I love all of you and am grateful for your support every upload <3

! Warning for people being drugged/violence !

Jack, is used to people staring at him. Staring, he can handle. Hell, he can even handle the off hand compliments given by strangers at times but someone invading his space - he can never handle. Hes slapped photographers over the face for trying to touch him before; he could do it to some stranger in a bar he doesn't even want to be in anymore but feels it would be rude, seeing as this dude just isn't getting the god damn hint. Hes all slurred compliments and breathing too close, so Jack excuses himself to the bathroom for a breather and some personal space.

The bathroom is a lot more classier than perhaps the rest of the place and the people in it. Jack fixes some stray eyeliner from his previous shoot and did consider just removing it but he doesn't want to be in a bar with panda eyes, although maybe it'll scare unwanted customers off mind you. His job pays well sure but sometimes this kind of price does bother him. He fixes his stray hairs and breathes out; Jacks dealt with worse, he utters to himself as he leaves the bathroom, returning to his seat where the drunken and too flirty stranger has left but there's a drink waiting for him. Jacks never one to turn down a free drink especially not when he feels like this - he wants to leave this place as soon as possible anyway so the drink is down the hatch before he has a chance to ask which scumbag bought him it. It hits him immediately and he makes an odd face at the aftertaste, it makes him slightly light headed but nonetheless hes waving softly to the bartender and heading in the direction of the raven haired bouncer at the door.

Suddenly the bar seems to be moving all around him and the door seems an impossible distance away and hes stammering and blurred vision like he had more than one drink; his thoughts clouded and then his vision is gone and everything is black - voices merging into one and other, none of which Jack recognizes. 

Mark is used to hearing petty insults almost spat his way as he turns away those who clearly are not old enough to be even attempting to get into the bar and when he has to remove those who have too much to drink but he isn't used to pretty boys almost falling in his lap and having to call an ambulance as said pretty boy appears to have been drugged. His job is stressful but this has to be something else, and when the paramedics drag the poor boy with smudged eyeliner and somehow perfectly mused hair and Mark wishes he could go in the ambulance with the boy to make sure hes okay. It also makes him want to find whoever put something in the mans drink and keep them away from every bar on the planet but Marks sure this isn't the first incident here, nor the last but hey, he is just the bouncer after all.


Jack wakes in the hospital, the lights blinding him as his vision focuses and as he tries to move his manager almost scolds him to stay still and its when he notices the drip and his head feels like someone shoved him through a brick wall and then some.

"What happened?" He utters, barely registering his own voice its so deep.

"Some bastard drugged your drink. I should never have let you go on your own-" Jack stops his manager there, he already doesn't wanna hear it and hes grateful they've known one and other long enough for them to stop talking as soon as he raises his hand.

"So if you didn't call the ambulance, who did?" His manager is already cancelling appointments on her phone, Jack can tell by the way shes typing; nails clicking against the screen as she does.

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