(123) Fire.

586 36 49

Request from v-egaslights, whom requested this awhile ago but I forgot; She simply requested one word: Fire. This is as you may expect angst; however there is fluff in there too.

Thank you for all the support as of late and as of ever really - I can't believe I have to start preparing for 100K; Absolutely crazy. You all do so much for me and please know that it doesn't go over my head, I still get giddy when I see somebody has voted/commented.

Flames is all he sees. He wishes he could un-see it all. Its like the fire is behind his eyelids, every time he closes over; blue hues hidden for a few moments he sees the awful mixture of smoke and orange tones, his ears are ringing from all the sirens, blue, orange, blue. It makes him want to keep his eyes open all the time. The hospital lights are not helping, hes coughing and shaking; the foil wrapped around him not comforting at all.


He is just waiting, the white clock with black numbers just across from him mocking, almost. Its late but he isn't tired maybe not physically anyway, his mind is awake and reeling from the night events - how had it gone so wrong so quickly? Why had they no, why had he been so careless if he had just blown out that extra candle it wouldn't have happened - How will Mark forgive him, this is all his fault...

A nurse with worn out eyes snaps him out of his thoughts and hes somewhat grateful. "He's going for surgery and after that we will assess the burns properly as of now, its looking rather bad; Mr. Mcloughlin you must understand that there is no guarantee that his burns will fully heal." 

He hears the words he does, because lord knows they echo and echo; Jack hates it but he nods. Doesn't know what to say. Isn't sure how to feel. His lungs feel just as clouded as his head does - maybe its the smoke getting to him, Jack can't tell. His family arrives and he feels overwhelmed. They're gushing over him like he was the one up in flames no more than a few hours ago, he hates it - hes plagued with the feeling of being responsible for it and his family are goo-ing over him like hes the hero of this, hes the opposite, rather. Its all numb - the entire night. Like Jacks just a hollow shell, he was so happy spending a night with the love of his life - and now things may never be the same.


Jack hasn't slept much to his mothers chagrin. He doesn't want to eat either. Marks been in theater since three in the morning and god, what time is it? Feels like time has stood still; feels like everything has really. His world is in bits just like his crispy looking home he refuses face; not yet. He knows he's lost everything but nobody says anything. Maybe he wants them too, say all that hes thinking; confirm his guilt. It'd be better than sympathy.

Hes angry, hurt, upset; even. He just wants to see Mark and apologies, make sure he's safe. A doctor calls upon him and he races up, his legs shaking as he does so. He escapes his mothers clutches and eyes her with a look he hopes says; 'I want to be alone.' She looks weary but sits down in the uncomfortable seats nonetheless. Jack follows the doctor whom is trying to politely say that Jack may not like what he sees, due to the burns from the blaze that will perhaps, always plague him. He doesn't reply. His footsteps seem louder as he approaches Marks room, breathe.

They step into the room, Jack sits on the seat next to Marks bed. He cant see too much of the damage due to the bandages wrapped around possibly every part of Marks body; But he sees the hints of scarring on Marks features and he tries not to linger on them, his heart in the pit of his stomach. Mark doesn't look at him. Jack doesn't blame him. Its silent, Jacks rehearsed what hes wanted to say to Mark but words fail him and hes panicking, say something anything - he thinks.

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