(128) I taught you everything you know but I needed a lesson myself.

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Request fromkawaii1kayleewhom asked for a continuation of the googleplier au 'Love is never taught.' I love that oneshot and so I thought why not?! Also I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday, having really bad stomach pain and trying to get it sorted!

Also, for 100K i've decided I'm going to attempt to re-write my first ever one shots uploaded in this book and re uploaded them all in one, perhaps just the first three though - it seems fitting, to see how much I've grown and all thanks to you! Forever grateful.

"What are you working on, Jack?" The man in question jumped at the soft voice, hitting his head on the bonnet of his busted car.

"Jesus! Mark (jaysus, there's that lovable twang again.) I'm just fixing my car; seems to be the self drive thing is broken." Jack wipes his hands on a rag, staining it with black oil.

"You should take a break, a letter came for you this morning." Jack lets out an audible sigh - letters for him are never good anymore but he does need a break from staring at bolts and screws; So joins Mark in kitchen. Mark knows him too well because there's an extra strong coffee waiting for him next to the envelope.

He shreds open the letter and skims it through. Ever since more and more googles were made, Jack had received letters that the robots weren't doing what they were told and had ignored them because he knows that there would be a reason for that (the reason probably being that the human treated them like a slave.) And hes had numerous letters telling him hes a freak for loving a robot too and he simply does not care.

But he has had the blame for a few things and he thinks hes getting too old for this sometimes.

Every good inventor makes mistakes, he realizes; But sometimes people are just too picky. Jack believes in his inventions - especially the ones hes worked one with others; Matthias is an excellent ideas man and given the tools can and has put them into practice. So, he isn't worried about the googles. He's more worried about humans than robots If Jack is honest with himself.

Mark seems to notice him in deep thought and clicks his fingers in front of him; Snapping Jack back to the present. He cocks his head like a puppy and smiles at Mark; "I love you." And he does, no matter what.


The more googles were distributed in homes, the more people complained and quite frankly Jack had had enough of it and took a stand; He wrote a rather strongly word post about it online and owned up to some of the mistakes he believes hes made. Jack knew there'd be an outrage from people but he was just sick of it; He really is getting too old for this. However he didn't predict the positive reaction to the post; people seem to rally behind it with a movement that the robots mattered and weren't just some other appliance like a hoover or common kitchen toaster and soon people were organizing a protest and Jacks never felt more accomplished.

Robots have rights, too.


But maybe thats when the problems really start because with protests their are always two sides; good and bad regardless of what side you represent. The protest only seemed to make things worse and crimes against the robots or other forms of technology increased. Googles were being re-programmed for hatred or as weapons and it made Jacks heart drop into his stomach. The news report burned into his ears and it frustrated him that his and Matthias' creation for good was being used for bad and he was worried about the future for the bots; they could be dangerous if in the wrong hands. Mark pushed his glasses up with a sigh; putting a hand upon Jacks shoulder as a comfort.

"People are evil." He muttered simply and Jack didn't disagree.

The TV Clicked off and the lights too; leaving Jack and Mark together in silence. It was nice, needed. Just the sound of Marks whirring that Jack has come to love and the Irishman's breathing.

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