(26) Success.

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Restaurant AU

Mark sat at the large round table with his family, His sisters and mother - Thomas unfortunately couldn't make it for lunch. His sisters were always out going and he loved them for it most of the time, on this occasion he didn't however. Their waiter was a cute man, with green hair and a very ear pleasing accent. So of course, the girls flirted with the man which annoyed Mark, did they have to flirt with everything that moved? Be Kind, Mark they are your sisters - he thought. The waiters name was Jack. Mark noticed that his name badge had a name above Jack but was scribbled out, he wondered why that was. Perhaps someone else's name badge, who was fired and Jack took their place. Mark's siblings made a competition to get his number and although they didn't know it, Mark was apart of the competition too. When it came to Marks turn to order, The man flashed him a bigger smile and tucked a green piece of hair behind his ear. Mark simply winked at Jack as he went to get the drinks. Jack came back with the drinks, the girls blew the odd kiss here and their, giggling or fiddling with their hair, rather obnoxious. Although the cute waiter smiled, speaking up as he put the drinks on the table as he then turned to Mark. "I'm flattered girls but I'd like your number instead." Mark smiled, and gave him his number. Leaving his sisters in shock and rather annoyed. Mark smiled triumphantly and smugly, he liked to one-up his sisters now and again.


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