(86) Last Guardian AU.

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Thank you so so much for 25K! Like dang dude, I. Okay so this oneshot will CONTAIN SPOILERS (MAJOR) FOR THE LAST GUARDIAN, SKIP THIS IS YOU DO NOT WANT IT TO BE SPOILED. It  took alot for this to work, and things might still be a little off. This will be split into two parts due to how lengthy it is. Also lil' Q&A Thing at the end because I was nominated by Jefflovesben4life. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

It seemed Jacks fate was already decided for him. Not that he knew, because the was the thing about fate. He kept having these dreams or nightmares; Of this massive creature, flying through the night and then a rival creature flying beside them. A boy similar to Jack atop it. Only, it would knock Jack and his creature of the sky, into this ditch like thing and each night Jack would wake with a startle. The room he shared with twenty or so other kids would have an odd glowy aura around it. He was the oldest of the bunch here, he didn't really know what brought him here but he didn't ask questions and he stuck out too, with the green hair and all. Which he regretted when a large head burst through his window, roaring and waking the whole place up. It was the creature from his dreams, accept there was no boy atop it but there soon would be as the creature picked up Jack as if he were a puppy, and then struggling to get its head out the small window and ended up breaking the panel, avoiding a spare in the process. It then fly off, Jack in its mouth. Why did it have to be him? It was like he was choosen.

It wasn't until the creature, known as a Trico, was shot out the sky and plummeted into the ground that Jack began to panic, he did not want harm to come to this historic creature or any for that matter. So as soon as he escaped its mouth, he searched around the cave they had landed in for anything to help the creature wake. He wondered off in the process, and managed to find a glowing barrel and a strange looking mirror? He picked it up anyways and head back to where the creature was lying.

Only, the creature was gone. Instead, lay a bruised looking boy of Jacks age. Confused, he ran over to the boy; nudging him awake. He woke, and scurried away from Jack.

"I am sorry. I am sorry." He repeated, crying.

Jack shook his head, sorry for what? Where did Trico go?

"He will eat you. Leave!" Jack stepped slowly towards the boy to comfort him.

"Who? Where is the creature?" Jack knew some English and tried the best he could.

"Me, I am monster!" The boy cried, and Jack nearly fell over. He shook his head in disbelief this cannot be true, in history Trico is a monster, not a human. And it began to happen.

The boy transformed into this large creature, with feathers, sharp claws and scary eyes, with a glint of sympathy in them. Jack stumbled back as the boy, turned Trico, drew closer to him. Jack thought he was about to be eaten but instead the creature snatched the barrel from the boy and ate it, spitting out some left over wooden panels. Jack needed several mintues. Maybe several lifetimes to take this in. All his life he was raised to believe that Trico's are horrible creatures, who eat people. When, they are monsters; but humans too. It was all too much and Jack passed out.

He woke to the Trico liking his face and everything else, as the stood up laughing. No human boy, that means it was all just a dre-

Nope, the Trico turned back into the red headed boy. Jack sighed, he would have to get used to this. This didnt make much sense, Trico and the boy were the same as in Jacks dreams. So many questions needed to be asked and answered.

Jack put them off as he began to look for ways out of the pit they were in. And it certainly helped that the boy turned back into a Trico and Jack took it upon himself to climb on the creature, it seemed the only way. Trico's fur was soft, yet clumpy in places due to some dried blood. Well, Time for some Trico parkour.


Trico hoped from one thin looking platform to another and the green haired boy on his feathery back held on for dear life. He wanted to go home, back to his village he was sure the people would be worried sick. Although, He did not want to take the Trico to the village with him, knowing they'd attack the creature. They were so unknown of these creatures. The Trico reach the top, gripping it as it nearly broke under its paws they were in the open now and Jack could see the creatures nest it was so high up, but he knew he had to help this creature-kid. Jack got off the creature, for it to then run into the small wooded area playing around like a dog, but a big feathery, scary eyed massive dog. The wind blew through the bright green trees; which were the same shade as his hair. It gave Jack joy, to see the creature like this, at odd tranquil, they would not get many moments like this on their journey to the nest of the monster. He found another barrel around the place and threw it to Trico, it catching the barrel in its mouth and eating it - mimicking its actions from the last time Jack had given him a barrel, Jack assumed it was food.

It was way more than just food. Jack didnt piece together the puzzle until much later, though.

 (Was this first part good? Im not sure. I hope it is! Also, Q&A TIME)

1. Favorite song. 

Currently L.A Devotee by P!ATD

2. Favorite sport.

I do trampolining in summer so like, that I guess?

3. Favorite band.

NSP//Sleeping With Sirens but its hard to choose!

4. Favorite show.

The Flash!

5. Favorite movie.

Big Hero 6.

6. Favorite color.


7. Favorite food.

Mac and cheese, baby!

8. Favorite video game.


9. Favorite drink.


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