(142) Bartender AU

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Wednesday updates are BACK! Happy New Year everyone, lets make this a joyful, fun filled fan fiction packed year! I'm hoping to branch out onto other ships too and write stories for them but we'll see how it goes. Also this is a request from Unidragon2345! Thanks so much for the request this was so fun to write :D

Also, this got wayyyy out of hand. Whoops.

Jack had been a wandering man all his life - and since making the move to America, hes struggled to find his feet. America is a big fucking place, busy and hectic and its a culture shock at the beginning. Hes wandering and wandering - He flew out here with his last euro turned dollar and he doesn't regret it but its not as easy as he wished it was; dreamed, even. City life isn't too hard to adjust to, in fact its where he thrives but looking for a job is difficult and nowhere would have him, lack of experience or knowledge of the place perhaps. Until he eventually lands on his feet. After passing a local bar he was going to drown his sorrows in but instead noticed the 'BARTENDERS WANTED' sign in the window - Jack decided to try his luck and walk in, nothing left to lose; his confidence already taken a knock for the day.

The place is pretty fancy looking actually with comfortable looking red-leather seats, a small jukebox playing soft music in the corner and white lights hanging from the ceiling. After admiring the place Jack turns his attention to the raven haired man behind the bar. He looks somewhat retro, with his suit and black bow tie hanging around his neck - oddly though it fits the theme of the bar rather nicely. Its a fairly booming establishment too.

Jack clears his throat after the bartenders eyes land on him. "I'd like to apply for the bartenders position. Can I have an application?" He tries to keep his accent out of the sentence but he assumes the man behind the bar picks up on it as he raises a trimmed eyebrow at Jack himself.

The man cleaning a glass stops in his admissions and goes presumably to grab Jack an application forum. Jack idly taps his fingers on the wooden bar, enjoying the noise it makes as he waits. The man comes back and hands him the forum.

"You aren't from here, are you?" A smooth, deep baritone rings from the man back behind the bar and it warms him from the inside, like whiskey Jack occassionally drinks. Jack takes the forum happily, its progress.

"No, I'm Irish." Jack smiles softly.

"I like your accent." The man behind the bar compliments and Jack glances at the small name tag on his chest which reads; Mark which seems like a fitting name for the man. He thanks the man again and walks out, deciding not to order a drink as tempted as he was.

The application isn't so bad but Jacks worried about his lack of experience in bar tending, he did have that one placement in a bar back in Ireland when he was a teen but he got fired for drinking the beer straight from the tap. (His excuse was that he was young and stupid but given he'd probably do that at this age, too.)

He returns the application the next day and upon spotting the raven haired man in the bow tie again he decides to stay for a drink this time. He orders a whiskey that goes down nicely, the man talking away casually to him. Jack figures that this is Marks bar.

"Shouldn't I be flirting with you, seeing as I want the job?" Jack offers after another smooth-tongued compliment rolls off the behind the bars lips. Mark chuckles in answer. Jack doesn't mind the compliments in all honestly, maybe its the deep voice but they do things to him; normally he'd just brush it off or ignore them but somethings different with Mark.

Jack ends up telling him about how he grew up, how he ended up in America and they end up laughing a lot together. Jack realizes they have much in common too. Jack tries not to flirt too much back with Mark in case he might turn out to be his boss, it seems Mark can't resist though.

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