(155) Nurses, rings and needles.

433 21 49

Awl111 requested a nurse type AU with Bob and Wade added, so here it is! I kinda like the idea of Nurse Mark so might write more of that in future. Thanks for everything <33

In Marks profession, he sees a lot of people and faces pass often. So you could say that the people and faces sort of bleed into one and other and that it can be hard to remember people unless they have unusual or just downright bizarre injures because hell, hes seen enough people and enough injuries to do him a lifetime. Being a nurse wasn't always in his mind growing up but he had always wanted to help people in some way and he sort just fell into this job, studying health related subjects at college. He had considered perhaps a firefighter but realized quickly he couldn't cope with that kind of stress; Its so different to what he does here. He also thought that being a nurse would turn his stomach considering all the needles, blood and vomit involved but hes got better as time went on and now he has to say he has an iron stomach and nothing surprises him anymore.

One face he does recognize though is that of his long time friend Wade -laying on one of the hospital beds in Marks clinic with a nasty gnash on his head which seems to be still bleeding as well as Marks high school friend and on wards and Wades partner, Bob. Bob seems to have a look of displeasure on his features probably because of the blood and the fact Wade seems pretty calm. Mark brings the curtain around the bed and grabs his clipboard.

"Fancy seeing you here, how did this happen?" Mark wants to make sure that the gnash isn't too deep and that Wade doesn't have any further head injuries and is competent enough to answer questions. There does not seem to be any immediate signs of concussion but he just wants to be sure. If anything, Mark prides himself in being thorough and putting a smile upon his patients faces.

"I was fell from a ladder and landed on it." Wade utters, wincing slightly at the memory and Mark thinks this injury is so typically Wade, the man is unbelievably clumsy.

Mark decides the man needs stitches for the gnash and is just about to begin when the curtain is pulled back to reveal an all too familiar face with a cup of coffee in each hand.

"You know when I said you should visit me at work more this wasn't what I meant, dearest." Mark laughs, all to happy to see his partner here; sometimes in a job like this you just need familiar faces although Mark would much rather they all stopped by to bring him lunch than injured. Hes assuming that Jack drove the pair here seeing as none of them drive themselves.

Jack smiles handing a cup of coffee to Bob, probably to take some of the edge off and then takes a sip from his cup.

"How bad is it?" Jack asks, Irish drole laced with slight concern.

"Not too bad, just needs some stitches and Wade will be good to go."

Jack seems to go a little pale at the thought of it and murmurs a 'I'm out.' before shutting the curtain and leaving Mark to it. You'd think that because he's dating a nurse he'd be less squeamish but it just isn't the case.

Mark finishes stitching Wade up and he seems in better shape, less shaken than he was. Bob thanks him a bunch too and Mark reminds the pair that this is his job and its not a big deal.

"Remember to come back in four to five days so I can remove the stitches." Mark utters before the pair are walking off and he can hear Bob lecturing the man to be more careful.


When Wade returns, he looks a lot less queasy than he did and Bob is attached to his hip looking slightly less displeased at his partner. The stitches are not infected and Mark removes them easily but before he gets to leave, Mark asks the pair to help. Truth is, he can treat all kinds of injuries from broken leg to concussion and everything in between but when it comes to something like proposing and being romantic hes hopeless. He figured he could get tips from the pair of them seeing as Wade did propose to Bob awhile back.

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