(112) Fanboy.

800 69 86

Request from - pepplestone

This was so fun and cute to write! 

Nearly at 64K! How mind blowing; Thank you once again!

(Mark is an actor, Jack is a fanboy.)

Its happened to everybody at some point;

Having someone you admire or look up to be it a celebrity or just a relative but finding out they are'nt exactly what you thought they were. Jack as it so happens, was in that situation now. Unfortunately, he wish he knew this beforehand as he was standing in line to meet a celebrity he admired - An Actor; well known for playing roles such as Wilford Warfstache in a famous murder thriller movie and a human version of google too in a horror movie. He was also extremely popular on instagram.

Of course, Jack had seen all his movies and followed him on instagram he was excited to meet him a few hours ago but, as it turns out Mark was kind of a douche and a diva. He was here to ask about the new horror-action movie he was starring in and his character - Dark but the more he saw him act around fans especially, Marks ego nearly hit him in the face and he was still standing a bit far back in the queue. Jack, instead of wanting to boost this guys ego lets just say he wanted to take it down a peg or two.

When he arrived at the booth he was standing at signing posters and taking selfies. He really did love himself and there was nothing wrong with self-love but Mark seemed to take it that bit further.

"Hey." Mark spoke, his voice a lot deeper than in his movies. Jack put his poster from that collectors edition he bought a few months back in front of Mark, who smugly smiled as he pulled the lid off the pen.

"I'm just here for a friend who was to shy to do this." Jack muttered and Mark just nodded signing the poster like it was second nature to him.

"I'm sure you've seen my movies though." Jack rolled his eyes.

"Nope, Havent even heard of you 'til she told me." The drop in Marks face made Jack smile but he quickly brushed it off. Jack did respect Mark and all the things he did for charity but damn it was satisfying to see that drop like Mark couldnt believe someone hadnt heard of him.

"Really? They were huge hits." Jack knew they were, Marks movies were his favorite and he even cosplayed as Wilford one year, christ. Not that he'd admit that to Mark.

"Hm, no; dont really recongize your face either." He really did, Marks face in all different characters were plastered all over his room. Mark just shrugged but he was obviously disappointed.

"Fine, Ill give you one of the first tickets to my new movie and then you can tell me what you think." Jack had not been expecting that and his heart dropped slightly at that. He tried to hid his excitement.

"You're on." Mark handed him a redeem code thing and gave him back his poster and Jack left, rushing past the crowd. His heart was racing and he needed some air because damn, he'd just met his idol, damaged his ego and got first tickets to see his new movie for it!

So maybe when he arrived back home he framed the code and maybe just maybe he freaked out, everything setting in. Mark also said Jack could tell him what he thought of the movie.

If only Mark knew what a goddamn fanboy he was.

His whole tumblr was dedicated to Mark and his movies.


He couldn't stand still as he was at the front of the line today; It was the release of 'Dark Origins' Marks new movie and Jack could hardly contain himself there were teasers all over Marks instagram; Him in a suit and with black contacts in, a glitchy filter over him he even posted a photo of him as Dark and Wilford together - Jack wouldn't admit it but he did squeal at that. He handed the redeem code signed by Mark himself over to the woman behind the counter who smiled and eyed Jack as if to say;

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