Hey, Thanks.

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So I havent posted one of these in like, forever because as I said before this book isnt about me or what not. However, I feel like this is needed.
I post messages at the top of my stories usually with a thank you but holy hell.
It has almost been a year (Will be around March.) Since a friend convinced me to post here and I couldnt be more grateful that they did. In the beginning I had no idea what I was doing; I still feel that way but I'm getting there (At almost 100 oneshots you'd think I would be, mind you.) Im just so fucking honoured that this community enjoys what I do. Look at those numbers! 35 bloody thousand people, 2 thousand votes; 932 (as of now) in the fanfiction category, what did I do to deserve such awesome people who interact with me daily? That enjoy what I do so much that they make requests for me to write them? I cannot believe my stories are just going and going all thanks to you. I dont plan on stopping, honestly I enjoy this too much. All because of you, wonderful people. Im so blessed; Ive met and continue too meet fantastic people whom I can talk too and I hope they can talk to me too. (I dont bite, I swear.) But seriously from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I do not regret posting on here on bit and there isnt a day that goes by where I dont sit back and think how lucky I am. You've all done my confidence wonders and gave me a second chance at writing.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for giving me purpose.

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