(130) Fight You And For You

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Not a request this time but rather an idea I've sat on for awhile, I hope I executed it properly and the ending lives up to it. Please bare with me at the moment, trying to get university preparation done and requests its tough but I will get there, fear not! Your request will be uploaded as soon as I can! Thank you for continuous support and patience, it keeps one going :) 

Mark was born with a gift or maybe a curse; that's what it feels like in his eyes anyway. Upon everyone he meets he can sense how dangerous they are and mentally he rates them between one to ten - based upon how dangerous they are. If he feels the person he meets is above the fifth danger level he steers clear from them and it does effect how he sees everyone and he hates it, puts him off people whom deserve a chance but he cannot bring himself to give them it due to fear. Luckily, Mark has never met somebody above danger level six; His small group of friends are the least dangerous people Mark has ever met.

Yet, there's a new boy perhaps a transfer student; sat at his table next to Bob and Wade. They seem to be chatting up a storm and Mark approaches him with caution like he does with every new person and as he gets closer he stops in his tracks. There's an overwhelming feeling an almost redness to this boy with green hair; like hes a human stop sign and Bob whom knows of his 'gift' shoots him a look of worry across the table. Mark looks like hes seen a ghost.

The boy is a ten. He knows.

And suddenly hes running the other way; the breath knocked from his lungs and panic coursing through his veins. The toilet door slams behind him and he sinks down it, trying to compose himself. Mark hasn't ever met somebody that made him just stop and run; somebody with an overwhelming sense of danger. He thinks maybe hes wrong but has never been before.

The girl that was the six; she had lunged for Wade one time and got caught with a blade on her too.

The boy at the back of the class; he got in fights all the time and threatened Mark. He could predict it too; know which people had a short fuse and who didn't. It terrified him, made Mark wary of people and maybe he's developed anxiety due to it always wondering when others will snap.

And this boy; a ten!  What was he capable of if he was a ten? How many people could he hurt?

It made him shiver at the thought.


Mark joins Bob at the bleachers; people practicing in the field and he needs to tell him. Marks leg is bouncing up and down;

"Mark, whats up man?" Bobs soft voice startles him and he shakes his head.

"Who was that boy you were sitting with yesterday?"

"His names Jack, hes from Ireland. Transferred here." Mark looks around as if people know he can tell they're dangerous or not. His tone dips to a whisper.

"Hes a ten." Bobs eyes widen as if he doesn't believe the raven haired man; but Mark can't explain why he thinks so, or why hes somewhat scared of the boy.


Nonetheless Mark observes; It's hard not too when the dangerous boy, Jack, is in some of his classes. In fact he nearly loses it when he taps him on the shoulder and asks for a pencil to borrow. He gives him it, afraid that if he doesn't he'll snap at him but he hasn't seen the boy be violent yet. Maybe hes wrong.

The boy meets him as hes leaving his class, Marks mind is in a tangle and the boy hands him his pencil back cheerly and Mark tries to stop the worry coating his face and give him his best fake smile. The boy notices, Mark can tell and he tries not to flinch when he walks away.

There's just something about him.

Hes dangerous. Mark can feel it.


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