(68) Emo Dark x Punk? Anti

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I dont know if you would call Anti Punk, or Even Dark emo but that's what I'm calling them for this one :D Also, These Anti and Dark stories are really fun to write. Another Request will be up on Wednesday. Enjoy!

Anti finished spraying his hair with a darker shade of green, whilst Dark put on his guy-liner. Fixing his fangs, Anti was excited to scare some kids. He hissed into the mirror pushing Dark out the way slightly as he groaned about smudging his eyeliner or something; not that Anti could care less. Dark was the one with the blood red hair and Anti was the one with a blood lust. It was strange because you'd think the muscular man would be the scariest of the two but in reality Dark was a Panic! At The disco, Guy-liner wearing, poetry writing, misunderstood emo. And Anti? He was the one who hissed at kids if they looked at him funny and smiled at old ladies menacingly. The unlikely duo were preparing for Halloween, something Dark was dragged into considering, he'd rather be at home playing horror games or finishing poetry. Fixing his eyeliner he smiled, adding his choker. Anti found this rather amusing because no matter how much black this boy wore, he'd still never look intimidating or scary and tonight was no different. Where as Anti looked like he'd consume children's souls in a heartbeat.

Anti walked out of the door, Dark shyly following him. No doubt they'd get into some kind of trouble tonight. Anti walked around, hissing at little kids, scaring them and laughing as they scurried off. Dark didn't really find it amusing and rolled his eyes. Anti grabbed the red haired boys hand excitedly and ran down the dark street towards a haunted house, meanwhile Dark was struggling to grasp the fact the green haired boy had just grabbed his hand. A simple gesture but Anti was never the touchy type. The house was dull and black, webs hanging off the windows and mold on the bricks that covered it. This place looked like it'd fall apart any moment. Anti pushed or rather broke, the door open dust flying everywhere making the emo beside him cough. They walked into utter darkness, the green haired boys hand finding its way to the red headed boy's once again as they blindly walked through the house.

During this time of aimlessly walking around and shaking off the odd noise, Dark had decided to go a different way from Anti and maybe when he found his way back to his partner in crime he would scare him. He sneaked along the way, making the floorboards creak every now and then. Meanwhile Anti was nothing less than petrified, this place was eerie as hell and he was beginning to regret coming into this rickety place. When he really regretted it though, was when a certain red headed boy jumped out on him as he turned a corner and punching said boy in the face. He was cursing at the boy with now perhaps a broken nose whilst he laughed his head off. The realization of being punched in the face so hard that it may be broken not hitting the red haired emo yet.

Once they'd found there way out, it was the clear how much damaged Anti had done to Dark's nose. It was all bloody and was beginning to bruise. The green haired man did feel a little bad and took him to hospital. On the way there, Dark couldn't stop laughing.

Well, That Halloween, Anti came back with no children souls, feeling scared half to death and guilt. Dark came back with a broken nose and a hilarious story he'd never forget.

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