(150) Denim Lost Love

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Short song fic because I can't help myself and I love Maroon 5 and their new album more than anything

Song: Maroon 5 - Denim Jacket.

You're standing there with your cigarette

Looking at me like we've never met.

Mark hasn't changed much since high school, only hes lost the fashion sense he had, yet he still has the nasty habit of smoking. He looks more laid back and relaxed, like he isn't trying to force anything -- Jack thinks plaid suits him better but tries not to gaze upon him for too long, its strange to see him again its been what? Ten whole years since they had had their fling. Jack hates to admit but his heart does rise a little when he sees him but shakes his head - the man will have more than moved on by now and so had Jack well at least he had try too but hes got bigger problems than re-lighting old flames that burned out too much. It does sting a little the man doesn't recognize him but he has changed too - perhaps too much to recognize.

I know I fucked up

So I'll take the blame

And I don't expect you, to let me explain

You can't forgive, I can't forget

I know you're just too different now.

Their fling had been cut short when Jack had caught feelings and went running, thinking that it was easier that way - thinking back now he wished he hadn't, wished he'd just saw things through. Mark had avoided him after that too and that is a regret for Jack as well.

Yet seeing him here in the middle of some shitty reunion filled with people he barely knows but people who seem to know him, it makes him miss it all - Hes never missed high school until he spotted him glancing out the window. He notices the blonde girl who stands next to him happily and he thinks they must be together and assumes they'll be coming in any moment. It makes Jack want to run and hide -- if they bump into each other and Mark remembers him it'll be an awkward exchange of how is life and numerous questions hes been trying to avoid the whole time here.


But I miss you and that denim jacket

I let you get away, I let you get away

Of course Mark had to spot him, although he was probably staring. He approaches without the blonde girl Jack saw him standing beside earlier and he hasn't aged all that much - there's not a single grey hair amongst the raven. Jack remembers that Mark would always wear a denim jacket with everything, he looked like the schools resident bad boy as he he hung by the lockers. The teachers would always have a go at him for it but he wore it so much that they gave up after a week or so.

He always suited denim, it just sort of compliments him but now as the stands in front of him flannel-clad Jack thinks he could wear anything, Jack would like to see him in denim though just for the nostalgia.

Jack snaps out from his trip down memory lane just as the man smiles at him and offers a greeting and a 'its been so long.'


Do you still wear the denim jacket?

I let you get away, I let you get away

They spend the rest of the evening chatting and catching up -- they do have ten odd years to talk about. Mark talks about his girlfriend Amy and Jack says hes just been unlucky trying to sway the conversation else where. Its only here, now that he realizes maybe after all this time Mark was the one that got away from him. The one you know you love but are too scared to do anything about it, the one you meet when you are young and foolish and not old enough to know better than to run away.

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