(118) Some things are never gone.

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Request from omlynn heavy angst, one of the saddest stuff I wrote in awhile - trigger warnings for that (I'm already sorry) 

Thank you all so much for 77K, now let me hurt you <3 (JOKES I LOVE YOU ALL PRECIOUS PEOPLE)

They meet when they are young; not that young to not know what is between them; but young enough not to say it allowed. Young and afraid of heartbreak - But everything seemed okay when they'd brush hands under the stars or go on dates, watching the moonlight go down behind barely there trees, like their teenage years. This cute little world they began to build blooming with greenery and beginnings of rivers.

Only, their world began to burn and crash.

Maybe it started when they were shopping together and Mark had to stop, he was in pain around his chest area; Jack was scared but Mark insisted he didn't need an ambulance.

Or perhaps the next time, it happened; when they were at their favorite diner before they ordered - Mark was in pain then too.

It took everything Jack had to convince him to get into that ambulance that day.


Here they were; At their favourite spot underneath the stars they always snuck up onto the rooftop of the building in the heart of town. Jack remembered the first time they had climbed up here - he was trembling and shaking, terrified of the heights then Mark soothed him his hands over his and mumbled a "Look up." Jack did, to see rows of stars and a moon as bright as Marks smile in the corner of the sky. All his fears disappeared then, making the climb up the metal ladder worth it that night too, they shared their first kiss. That night was when they began to build a world.

And here, underneath the stars just like that night many years ago that world came crashing down.

"Jack, I'm ill-" Marks voice was different; laced with stress. Jack could see it in his eyes, too.

"Cancer, Jack" Mark took a steady breath, closing his eyes as he gripped Jacks hands better as he began to tremble, tears streaming down his face as they locked eyes, warm hazel eyes like freshly baked brownies which made him happy.

"No." Jack breathed, his accent thick as he let a sob.

"Baby, Im going to get better. I'm going to get treatment and I'll get better." Mark said, rubbing Jacks cheek soothingly.

"But you can't see me that way, Jack. I want you to know me like this, how I was, not how I'm going to be. Okay? Ill get better and I'll see you again. I love you, baby blue." (Baby blue, When Mark first called him that he pouted slightly, annoyed at the nickname now however when it was spoken with such promise, such hurt; he couldn't find himself to dislike it.)

"Mark, I love you too. I can't just leave you like this, you can't go through this alone." Jack knew he must look a mess; tears streaming down his face and him snuffling.

"No, Baby, I'll have my family. Please Jack, I promise I'll get better and I'll see you again."

Jack never liked promises.


Jack did regret letting him go that night, leaving him up on the rooftop. He didn't get much sleep that night or the night after that, he was scared - so many what ifs in his mind; No, Mark would keep his promise, he had too. It ate him alive not knowing how he was though, not seeing him when they spent years together growing up together; Jacks first and only love.

But he continued on with his life, studying hotel management at college; and only occasionally talking to the people there, he didn't want to make friends in case he lost them like he had Mark. Afraid they'd get ill, too. College was more of a distraction than a learning curve, watching the years bleed through.

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