(80) Vampire AU.

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I've been wanting to write something like this for a long time and finally got round to do so. This is a bit of a long one shot and I figured I'd upload it now since this is my 80th one shot! We've come along way, friends. Thank you for everything and lets strive for 100.

1840, Transylvania.

Jack was up, running frantically around the large castle to make sure everything was up to par. He was meeting his new body guard today and wanted him to have a good welcome. Being a Prince's body guard was no laughing matter, a very dangerous business indeed. Jack needed the right man for the job and hopefully he had found the right man for it. The doorbell rung, not that you could miss it because it rung through the whole castle, making it sound eerie and spooky. Jack adored it. He smiled in the mirror, making sure you couldn't see his pointy teeth. He then opened the large and rather door with a smile upon his face. The man at the door was classically handsome, wearing a suit and mimicked Jacks smile. He then bowed in front of Jack. "Evening Prince McLoughlin. I've been assigned your body guard and will protect you at all costs." Jack was already impressed. The man had breath taking brown eyes and black fluffy hair, hair that you'd just want to mess up because it was too neat. "Thank you sir, Fischbach, is it? Do come in." The man nodded, entering the castle. Jack began to give him a tour. Mark found himself drawn to the prince, he just had this enticing aura. Although the paintings in the castle where meaningful and well painted, The prince in front of him seemed much more interesting. But he wasn't here for that.


Lastly, Jack showed Mark to his room. It was beautifully decorated, similar to the rest of the castle with the paintings hung up on the walls but also a vanity with perhaps the biggest mirror Mark had ever seen on it. The room was velvet looking, a gorgeous almost blood red. "Ill let you settle in." Jack said, as he flashed Mark a final smile and closed the door behind him. Mark had never been a bodyguard for a prince, usually he'd stay in small little basements. He'd never seen a place as big as this, the castle was located in the very heart of Transylvania. He applied for this job to escape the poverty and war in other cities. Although, he had been warned against Transylvania, apparently they held frequent Vampire burnings. Mark thought this was ridiculous, even if vampires existed surely they didn't deserved to been burned. Mark shook the unease off and unpacked his few belongings. He could tell he'd enjoy it here and be treated right. He'd be lying if he didn't say that the castle wasn't a little spooky.

Even still, he sleep the best hes ever had. Jack on the other hand, not so much. He had been sleep walking again and ended up at Marks door, luckily he managed to wake up and get back to his bed unnoticed, Mark's blood must smell realll good. Due to this, he slept in that day and it seemed Mark go to meet his Princess. Mark greeted her happily but she just seemed to roll her eyes and look down upon Mark. Some Princess. She had long brown hair and the eyes to match, yet her eyes spoke evil. Mark felt uneasy around the Princess.


After Jack woke, he walked downstairs they creaked on the way down as usual. His hair still sticking up but he didn't mind. A voice startled him as he turned around, slight panic but it eased as he realized it was only Mark. "Good afternoon, Prince." "Afternoon. I do apologize, I was meant to be up much earlier but alas, I did not sleep well last night. Ill prepare some tea and then we can head into the courtyard and maybe do some archery." Mark was going to argue that it was too dangerous for Jack to do archery seeing as he was a prince but decided not too. He didn't look like he wanted to be argued with today. Tea was good, Mark sitting across from Jack as he began to look more alive. "I met the Princess today." Jacks mood seemed to slip at the mention of her, he just nodded and Mark didn't say anything more.

They headed into the courtyard once Jack got into his royal robes, Mark noticed people riding horses through the large field. Jack noticed Mark staring at the horses "We can horse ride another day if you like, that'll be rather important if I need to travel." Mark nodded, as he picked up a bow and some arrows. Mark seemed almost too good at it, hitting the target dead on meanwhile Jack missed everything causing Mark to take matters into his own hands. He walked around Jack, guiding his arms straight. "And... Pull!" Jack let go of the string, sending the arrow flying into the bulls-eye. Mark then quickly moved away from Jack as he heard a female like cough. Turning round, he saw the Princess with a scowl on her face. "Prince McLoughlin. A word, please." She said, eyeing Mark. "Keep practicing, Ill be back soon."

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