(4) Learning Languages.

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  3rd Person POV Kinda?~
Mark had the biggest crush on the new Irish boy. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of him. His green hair, His blue eyes. Mark was unbelievably shy however and knew he never had a shoot with Jack but fantasized in class anyway. He'd normally have pretty good grades and pay attention in class but ever since Jack had arrived he never did as all his attention was on him. In his spare time he'd be learning Irish and stalking Jacks Twitter. He was learning Irish for one reason, to impress Jack, if he ever had the chance to talk to him that is. Luckily for Mark he did, but not as he hoped. It wasn't nearly as romantic as he wished it was nor did it end in him kissing Jack. The green haired boy had approached him in science catching Mark off guard; "Hey Mark, right? Can I borrow a pencil?" Ugh if only he was saying "Hey Mark, right? Can I borrow your lips?" But nonetheless a flustered Mark replied "Sure you can" In Irish. Jacks eyes almost popped from his skull as he took a seat next to Mark "Dude, ye know Irish? Thats awesome!" Mark smiled, this boy was too cute for words. Nonetheless Mark handed him a pencil and nodded. Jack and Mark ended up talking from there, chatting away and forgetting everything and everyone behind them. Laughter often erupted from the pair when Jack made the occasional innuendo. Just before class had finished Jack got up and approached Mark, handing him a small piece of paper, then leaded into Whisper in Marks ear speaking in Irish; "Call me." Mark shivered and Smirked, it only took a few weeks of learning Irish and learning to say 'Sure you can" to get Jacks number, however it was totally worth it.
A few years on and the Irish helped Mark accomplish a lot. He had asked Jack on a date in Irish to which he giggled and agreed, He had first said he loved Jack in Irish and today, he asked Jack to marry him in Irish. It was Marks cute little thing he did and no matter what he said, it always impressed Jack.  

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