(99) Vampire/Huntsman AU [2]

734 39 19

At last!! Sorry this took so long, hope you enjoy! It didn't go in the direction I'd thought it would, oops. (Oneshot 100 might be a little delayed due to how long its going to be but Im trying my best! :) Thank you for 39K Thats frick fracking amazing!!)

His pledge broke, like he did. Jack should've saw it coming, should have stopped the monster when he had the chance but Mark pledged, he said he'd find some other way, become a vegan vampire or something. It wasn't until a monster stood at his door, his fangs dripping with blood probably of some innocent normal. "I thought you could control it." Jack uttered, cursing himself for his foolishness and letting Mark go into the night on his own; he could've prevented this. He was a vampire too and he liked blood and on occasion needed it but he could usually survive without it but it seemed that Mark carved it more than he did and Jack never wanted to kill anyone, if he needed blood he'd kill criminals or gang members. But Mark went after anything he could get so Jack took him in, cleaning the blood of himself. "You need to learn. You can't continue like this." Marks usual calm deminor was gone, replaced with a dangerous one and a animalistic gaze in his eyes. He went to attack him and in a panic, Jack locked him in a cupboard, growls and knocks through the door could be heard.

"Until you learn to control this, you're staying in there. You're a damn monster." Part of Jack felt sorry for Mark because he was once in his shoes but didn't have the tough love from somebody else running of to some temple in the middle of nowhere and learning true self control, is that was this was? Love? He cared for the raven haired man and he hated it because of what he was once, a hunter became monster and then a vampire, now more of a monster that he ever was. He wanted to teach him a lesson but not like this. He felt pretty guilty too, he did this to him so he had to get him out of this utter mess. He kept him locked up for perhaps weeks, throwing food in and water, ignoring the pleas, the begging for blood. It hurt to see him this way a shell of man overcome with blood-lust. One evening, he decided to let him free and dragged the man particularly hissing at the light, effortlessly to the bathroom; standing in front of the mirror.

He had not seen himself in weeks and he looked, dead. More than usual. His hair was scruffy and messed up, he almost had a beard and his eyes looked empty. God, what had he become. He started sobbing and Jack, wrapped his arms around the man. "You don't need to be this way. I know you're know really a monster." Simple words, spoken gently but Mark just wanted to run away, he was ashamed. Jack let him have his freedom, made him a good proper meal and he nearly emptied the damn fridge but Jack didn't care.

"You want to get better, don't you?" Jack asked, after Mark had finished clearing his kitchen out. A nod.

"I'll help you but it wont be easy. I need you to trust me." Another nod.

Mark trusted Jack, oddly. They had known each other for years after all and he did not really have a choice.


It was torture. Every human they saw, Jack would ask Mark if he could smell their blood, wanted a taste and it took everything in his body and gritted teeth to say 'no.' because he didn't want to go back there and he had thought the trials were over, he had denied blood when it was right in front of his face, humans right there for the taking, he said no to it all. It wasn't until he was given the offer.

"Yknow I bleed right?" Jack said, out of the blue and Mark froze.

"Vampire blood is different, harder to obtain but tastier." Jack teased and suddenly he could smell something. It was cologne or whatever he was cooking. It was Jack, of course.

"..No." Mark uttered and even he was not convinced.

"No? Shame." Jack hissed, he knew he was tempting him. Bastard.

"I don't want your blood." Mark spoke again.

"Then what do you want?" Jack turned around, a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his features. Mark looked alive for the first time in months, clean and shaven; his eyes looked their usual hazel and sparkled like the brightest stars in the damn sky and Jack was weak.

"Just you." Mark stepped closer, in Jacks space and the smirk didn't faded, it only seem to get more obnoxious and the raven haired man wanted to wipe it off his damn face so he did. He lean in, cautious of his fangs and Jack's, and kissed him; softly. He could've swore he heard Jack begin to laugh until Mark so rudely, stuck his tongue down the other mans throat. That shut him up, and took that smirk off his face.

Mark needed a new lust, after all.


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