(141) Well Matched.

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Hello! Its been almost a month, hasn't it? Here's a Christmas one shot I couldn't help working on through the break. One shots will resume soon - I promise! Thanks for the patience and continuous support even when I've been gone. I'm still in shock my one shots are sitting at 110K Reads that's just.... crazy.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! Here's some fluff :D

Mark has always been obsessive, ever since he was young; The first thing he remembers obsessing over was a little red firetruck, which he got for Christmas that year from his father, even had his name on it. He took it everywhere and anywhere -- Most kids his age had teddy bears but no, this firetruck was Marks best friend and he has it sat on his self although the 'a' in Mark is a little faded from age, the truck is still in okay condition. Hes had many, many obsessions since then. Some he was able to let go of and some not. Its difficult for Mark because he either feels so strongly for something or has no interest in things. It was the same with people really, which of course makes life itself difficult. Friends he would either care so so much for and others, he'd care a little bit, but nothing to write home about.

And Mark always hated that about himself, grew to resent it even - The little switch in his brain with the no in between, the absolute burn out obsession he'd have, attached to things until he couldn't obsess anymore. It was a coping mechanism too he had discovered, pouring all his energy and passionate into one thing until the next. Relationships were even harder too. Mark had never been in love - been he'd been fixated and then, not. Girls and boys piquing his interest but never keeping it, he felt cruel when he lost interest and usually resulted in arguments and conflicts and countless apologies.

Mark has never met a person that romantically could keep that interest, keep the switch there for longer than a few months - There was one girl whom he was interested in for a few years and he put his all into the relationship and it burned out, a heated fire to begin with but then extinguished - Mark putting the flames out. Ever since then hes had a few relationships but it was never love. Truth was, Marks probably afraid of it. How obsessed would he be with somebody he loved? Would it just burn out like most? Putting so much on another person doesn't seem worth it to him; too much vulnerability. Marks many things, but he's not weak.


Then there is Jack, a rather opposite - in the world and trait wise. Jack cannot hold focus on anything for long and hops from one thing to another; His brain is swirling with new ideas and possibilities he'll never finish and stays awake during the nights wrestling with them, wrestling with the voice that yells at him to just focus on anything and he can't. He tries, tries focusing on the minor things but just gets distracted in the end; Jack can't even focus on sleeping for fucks sake. People usually find his hyperactivity or lack of finishing tasks due to moving onto the next and overall hyper-ness annoying so he tends to stay out of people's way - Even if he enjoys being in big groups.

Jack speaks to people online more-so than in real life - they tend to me more forgiving perhaps, of his loudness and its nice to feel accepted somewhere.


And these two clash; but when they do it isn't harsh like some waves hitting the shore its calm like rain beginning to fall and then picking up harshly. They meet online from a friend of a friend, Jacks safe place he realizes now, the internet. - And at first its awkward and they don't really have anything in common but Mark makes Jack laugh a lot and its nice. He likes having people whom like all the same things as him and understand him as a whole but its also refreshing to see somebody who just doesn't but shares the same humor.

Jack realizes as time goes on that, Mark does understand him - Understands how Jack sees the world. They get talking on one of Jacks lonely nights; when the world seems against him and he feels the distance between himself and everyone else.

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