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I literally prepared a whole Oscar speech for this but now I just don't have any words to express how I feel.

ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND reads. I am in shock, the numbers have just sky rocketed beyond my comprehension.

This community has changed my entire life so here's how I got into the community:

It started about 2012-ish, when I began high school. I'm sure that a lot of you can agree or relate that high school can be terrible. It was utter hell for me, there were so many issues and the environment wasn't ever for me, at the time I was just a shy kid who had lost all her friends in the transition to high school from primary. I suffered panic attacks every single day and I was incredibly sad and lonely as a person. My best friend at the time introduced me to a loud mouth Irishman whom he watched on youtube and at first, I was intimidated. Jack was... everything I wasn't, maybe that's why I fell in love with him though. Since that day I began to watch him more and more, and I remember one of the first videos I did watch; The Forest with Markiplier. I had no idea who Mark was and I certainly wasn't expecting that voice. However, from that video it made me feel less alone and made me laugh and smile which I hadn't done in a long time. I wasn't interested in anything I usually was, including writing stories - I had no energy for it and everything felt exhausting but then youtube came along and it was something.  Something I had energy to do. Mark and Jack were like the friends I needed, a constant voice of reassurance and happiness, when school was destroying me I knew I had them to come home too and although it made me isolate my family and others around me, it helped me as a person, they helped me turn off the world for hours. 

But, youtube couldn't solve all of my problems as much as I wish it could. High school was ruining me mentally and physically and to put it bluntly, I needed out. So, after much hard work and a lot of sacrificing, I got the right to be home schooled and that was a big step to getting my life on track again. 

In around 2015, I began to dive into the shipping community and I discovered Septiplier, the combination of two of my favorite people. It came at the perfect time actually. I read stories upon stories, fanfiction upon fanfiction; It began to re-kindle my love for stories, something I hadn't felt since I began high school and shipping the concept; How people saw love even if it wasn't there, made me feel warm. I had considered using fanfiction as way to get back into another passion of mine; writing but I had several anxieties about it which made me put the idea on the back burner.

Until, I brought it up to a friend who also liked the ship and they gave me all the encouragement I needed. I took the step to upload one of the first stories I had written in years in around March perhaps? about the pair, putting some of my bad days into words;

Some days was my first oneshot and it was about how some days I just didn't feel... anything. But I thought hey, even on those days I feel love for my family and I decided to translate that into the love Jack felt for Mark and although I think I've written far, far better oneshots, this one will always have a place in my heart. Since that oneshot, I just kept it up. Eventually, I got my first ever request and being somebody whom wasn't all that confident in what she did or wrote, it made me so happy more than I can express and it still does!

My oneshots reached 10,000 reads in October last year; and This year, we're sitting at 100,000.

This community has made me a happier, more confident person. Helped me meet wonderful people and I cannot thank you all enough. (I'm getting emotional here.) This means so much to me. Thank you for giving the shy kid a chance.

If you do suffer mental health struggles, like I and many others do. Please, speak out, You are never, ever alone. And if you are dealing with those struggles I am so proud of you.

Special Shout outs.

v-egaslights - Whom is one of the funniest people I have ever met.

32waystoAutumn - Whom is just a beacon of positive-ness and queen of witty one-liners.

AaliyahFrancis0211 - Whom is just the cutest human being.

thatfabswede - Whom is the best to fangirl with.

pepplestone - Whom is just an absolute joy.

TheGreenVigilante - Whom has great taste in music.

SargentPoofa - Whom I made cry with one of my one shots and still feel bad for but whom is also really freaking great.

(And all of my real life friends, for dealing with my anxious ass.)

To Mark and Jack, for making me whom I am today, for being a voice when nobody else would listen.

And lastly, most importantly, all of you, whom comment, vote, read, request or interact in anyway - You have all played a massive part in giving me a purpose; In helping make my passion a reality, in giving me confidence.

To 100,000 more.

(I'm sobbing.)

Re-writes of the first three oneshots will be up soon. 

I love you all, sincerely;

PugaShann. (The slightly less, anxious kid who writes about two weirdos on the internet being in love.)

Septiplier Oneshots.Where stories live. Discover now