(94) Homesick, Home safe.

826 48 21

Request from wi-fiteme who is super cool, by the way. :D

Holy shit, thank you for 34,000 reads and my fan fiction (somehow) being in the top 1,000. Im so proud and grateful for this community.

Jack felt unbelievably home sick today; He could usually push it aside focusing on recording but seeing as Mark told him to take a day off from all the work, it was taking its toll. It had been 6 months since Jack made the decision to move in with Mark, getting sick of the long distance and seeing each other once in a blue moon. He spoke to his parents, whom could see that little glint in Jacks baby blues when he spoke about the raven haired man and couldn't help but support him. The phone call he made that day to Mark was his favorite. How Mark was babbling on and Jack silenced him with a few words;

"I'm moving, to you." Jack thought Mark stopped breathing as he was met with pure silence but then he was met with pure joy; a little squeal. The purest thing he ever heard, an angel itself could've descended down from the heavens and booped him on the nose but it wouldn't have even been close to the noise Mark made, the noise that made Jack smile from ear to ear.

"Earth to Jackaboy." Came a deep rumble, snapping the Irishman from his memory trance. He took a sip of his coffee he didn't even know was there before speaking.

"I miss home." Jack uttered; he missed the little things about Ireland he even missed the rain, dare he say it. L.A Was busy and hectic fitting Jacks personality sure but, Ireland was quiet and peaceful sometimes being a nice break for his racing mind.

Mark could see the hurt in those eyes he got lost in at least twice a day, and decided to do something about it. He sent Jack away to the supermarket with some fake shopping lists of things they certainly did not need. Jack took the bait easy enough leaving Mark to transform there apartment; trying to make it as cabin like as an apartment in L.A could be. He even left the fan on, to make it as cool as possible. Mark had only been in Ireland once and Jack made fun of him shivering when it wasn't 'even that cold' when it was. He picked out some movies, sorted some beer and ordered pizza. Then the Irishman came into a very cold apartment with bags in his hands, he looked around the place felt a lot more cosy, upon further inspection, there was snacks and DVD's along with beer. Jack shot Mark a questioning look.

"You said you missed home, right? I tried to make it like home, for you." Jack wanted to cry he dropped the bags and ran to hug the raven haired delight, god knows how he got so lucky.


Jack sat beside Mark, covers surrounding them and an old horror movie playing on the TV, he snuggled closer to Mark making him twitch slightly and he chuckled; shoving a mouthful of caramel emeralds into his mouth. He wasn't watching the horror movie though, rather  watching Mark instead. Just taking in every detail up close, the scruffy look of his beard, the way his faced twitched when he got scared, his eyes humble. Jack giggled, he felt like a schoolboy smitten by the attractive new kid at school and he really was smitten. His giggling caused the man he'd been admiring to look at him, confusion laced on his features, a brow raised.

"What are you giggling at?" It sounded like a sneer at first but softened with the smile on his beautiful face.

"I just, love you." Jack said, somehow getting closer to the other man whom betrayed him, tickling his sides and if the way Jack laughed wasn't the sweetest thing he heard then there was no moon in the sky. After punishing Jack enough, he kissed his forehead.

Mark had been blessed with a giggly sweetheart and Jack had been blessed with a brown-eyed comfort, sure he was homesick; but having Mark as a home cured that.

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