(132) Set up, Again.

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Request from AlanloveEric111, whom requested a set up scenario but with Bob and Wade too! I took a different approach to this one yet its also similar to one shot 98 in some ways, I hope its not repetitive! Also, We are so close to 100K and Ive been prepping but I'm still not finished due to university preparation (which is literally kicking my ass) but Ill get there and on time I hope! Thanks for all the support throughout, love you guys :)

 They're all round for dinner, the dimly lit booth creating a relaxed atmosphere. Jacks sat next to Bob, with Mark and Wade on the opposite side. Jacks in a reminiscing mood, he feels tranquil being here in America and oddly at ease. The past few times hes been here hes been worrying if the videos went up okay and just worrying about his work - he enjoys the break sure, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel bad for being here and not being productive.

Hes also never felt like he belonged here with these wonderful people around the table but he does here; His first trip he was just the Irish loudmouth kid and now hes a somebody among somebody's. Mark put him at ease the moment he arrived just like he did this time too, and hes gazing at him as he talks to Wade about something Jack doesn't hear.

He admires all of these people, and its evident in his eyes.

Jack isn't one to experience jealousy; hes more about empowering people but he cant deny the little prang of something when Mark starts making eyes at the waitress, he fidgets in his seat and tries to shake the feeling - Bob shoots him an odd look and he just shakes his head, Mark is a single man its his choice who he wants to make 'eyes' at.

Maybe Jack just wishes it was him though, but suppresses it these feelings are pointless.


But its like an itch, that he refuses to scratch -- and it gets worse; Jack will deny it until hes blue in the face, though. They're at a bar all together, Mark sat next to him on his right, Bob and Wade on his left. Marks feet are dangling off the bar stool, Jack notices and it makes him smile slightly. Hes sat drinking his rather underwhelming Guinness (because lets face it, if he wanted a real pint he knows he'd get one back home.) And maybe he tightens his grip on the glasses as Mark flirts with the bartender, his fingers flex against the class and perhaps its the alcohol speaking but he has the urge just to chuck the pint over the girls head or Marks for that matter because what is he playing at- Wade snaps him out of his thoughts with a light hearted;

"If you grip that glass any tighter its gonna break, Jack."

Wades right and Jack lets go of the glass, breathing a sigh and trying to clear his clouded thoughts and decides that before he does something stupid - hes going to bed. Sliding from the stool he wishes the lads goodnight and stumbles back to the hotel; hes not drunk, just a bit tipsy and light on his feet.

Come on, Jack - Get your shit together, stop pining. He thinks as he falls into bed.


A faded knock on his door echos through his hotel room and he swears whoever's knocking is also knocking on his head. Blue eyes open to the world and the blinding light with a groan as he gets up, careful not to lose his balance as he carries himself to the door.

The door swings open to the man that's the cause of all his trouble that doesn't even know, hazel eyes staring warmly at him.

"Wanted to check up on ya, heard you had a bit to drink." Jack can't decide if the smile that follows the sentence is one he wants to punch off or kiss off, nonetheless he does neither.

"Yeah I'm a bit hungover but Ill be down for breakfast in a bit." It does not occur to Jack how Mark found his hotel room but he presumes it was Bob or Wade who told him, Jack thinks they know about his little crush and rolls his eyes as he goes to close the door on Marks face.

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